Logistics Network Modeling

Modeling Project Actions and SmartLinks

This page is accessed via Logistics Network Modeling > Modeling Project > Actions.

Click Actions to launch the following actions.



Aggregate Scenario Results

Displays the shipment metrics for all the shipments associated to the scenario and shows the aggregate results.

Clear Modeling Project Output

This action clears any previous bulk plans along with the shipments and any output data associated with the scenario before re-planning for each of the already planned scenarios associated with the project. OTM will also delete bulk plans for this project which do not have a "Modeling Scenario ID".  

Compare Modeling Scenario Input

This allows you to select one project at a time and perform the input comparison on all scenarios related to the project.

Compare Modeling Scenario Plan Result

This allows you to select one project at a time and perform the output comparison on all scenarios related to the project.

Scenario Bulk Plan

This allows you to select a modeling project and run the scenario planner for those modeling scenarios or you can select a subset. For existing bulk plans for the selected objects, the Modeling Scenario ID is removed from the older bulk plans. The bulk plans are not deleted.

The following do not run for this action:

  • Map bulk plan result
  • Shipment groups
  • Partial shipment groups
  • Shipments not in shipment group

Scenario Work Assignment Optimization

This action allows you to select scenarios under a specific project and run the scenario planner based on those scenarios. This action uses the Modeling Project Type, Saved Query Type, Saved Query ID provided on the scenario and the resource schedules specified in the parameter set to determine a list of shipments. Work assignments are then planned using those shipments.


Right-click on any ID to launch SmartLinks.



View Project Related Scenarios

Shows the related scenarios for the selected project.


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