Logistics Network Modeling

Logistics Network Modeling Overview

Changes that impact your logistics network are never ending. Changes can include carrier cost and capacity volatility, new suppliers and customers, unplanned disruptions and so on. Logistics Network Modeling (LNM) can help with both network design and what-if analysis. Logistics Network Modeling allows you to use your own data and analyze the results also based on your data. Real analysis with real data using your database. You can run multiple scenarios to find the best. You can compare the input data as well as the output.

High Level Flow

  • Set Up: Create the project and scenarios you want to run. Create the scenarios that you want to run based on the type of scenario that you want to model and the changes required. There are numerous options for configuring scenarios depending on the type of scenario you want to model. For more information on the various methods, see Modeling Scenarios.
  • Solve: Run the bulk plan scenario. You can run the bulk plan scenario for one scenario, multiple scenarios, or all scenarios in a project at a time. The results can be viewed immediately right in LNM.
  • Send to Analytics: Optionally, you can send the new scenario results to the Logistics Modeling Network Intelligence subject area.
  • Analyze: You can compare bulk plan results in Transportation Intelligence, or in bulk plan results, or by using the scenario action Compare Modeling Scenario Plan Result.

You use your data and create scenarios by modifying different criteria or inputs. Changes can be data changes such as a rate change, carrier change, or capacity change. Changes can also be policy changes such as run bulk plan every four hours instead of every two hours. Then run your scenarios with the changes. This does not change your operational data. The results are saved into different tables. Then check the results. If you like the results, you can then make the change in OTM. The changes are not made automatically. Logistics Network Modeling is a simulation not an optimization.

The order statuses are ignored but other criteria and constraints including dates, constraints and so on are honored.

Logistics Network Modeling

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