Logistics Network Modeling

Scenario Data Changes

This page is accessed via Logistics Network Modeling > Modeling Scenario. On a modeling scenario, click Scenario Data Changes. Then, click New Object.

When adding a new modeling scenario, the Scenario Data Changes tab is available only when adding from the Modeling Scenario screen. It is not available when added from the Modeling Project screen.

Note: Changes that you make on this screen are only temporary and are not persisted to the actual objects in the database. This includes new order releases and copied order releases.

Use scenario data changes to "set" a specific field on a specific object. Or, for order release only insert or delete orders, as well as update data on existing orders. These changes override the changes made by data rules.

  1. Select the Object Type to specify the object where you will change some of the existing data.
  2. If you selected an Object Type of ORDER_RELEASE, you see the Change Type drop down with the options of:
    • Update: Updates the specified order release with the data changes entered.

      Update is also used (behind the scenes) when changing data on other objects.
    • Insert: Inserts the order release ID. You can also specify the Number of New Objects which controls how many new order releases are inserted. For example, if you select Insert, enter an existing order release of ABC, and enter 20 for Number of New Objects, then 20 copies of the order release ABC are added to the scenario. You can use the change type of Insert on the same object multiple times.
    • Delete: Exclude the specified order release from the scenario planning.
  3. Select the Object ID to specify the object for which you would like to change some fields.
  4. Optionally, enter a Description.
  5. Enter the Data Changes:
    1. In the Column Name drop down, select an editable column for a given object type.
    2. View the Original Value of that field selected in the database. This is the original value of the field.
    3. Enter the New Value is a free-form text field that accepts input in accurate format. If the input is not provided in the correct format, the changes may not be applied correctly.
    4. Click Save for each data change.
  6. Click Save.

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