Contract and Rate Management

Commitment Allocation Usage

This page is accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Contract Management > Commitment Allocation Usage.

Use this page to view the finalized allocation usage for the lane.

The same agent action that performs counts also performs the allocation calculations. When the Agent Action UPDATE ACTUAL COMMITMENT AND ALLOCATION is triggered, the finalized counts can be viewed here.

Note: You can also view the allocations with a report. There is a report in the Report Manager that displays the actual versus planned capacities. The Current Allocation Standings report allows you to search based on Order Release. The Overall Allocation Standings report allows you to search based on Origin and Destination and Commitment Lane Type of Order or Shipment. You can also run an allocation report from the Order Release Constraints tab. This report automatically uses the Order Release as its parameter and displays the current commitment allocation standings for order-centric lanes. Based on the information in the report, the planner may want to add a Service Provider ID to force Oracle Transportation Management to select the carrier for this order.

The Total Finalized Count field in the header displays the total number of shipments in the defined lane that fall within the effective and expiration dates.

The grid section of the page displays a breakdown by service provider.

The sum of the Finalized Count per carrier may not be the same as the overall total finalized count when other carriers have shipments on that lane.

The Allocation Group ID field shows the allocation group if one was used.

The Minimum Shipment Weight, Maximum Shipment Weight, Ship Unit Count, and Equipment Group ID fields are defined on the Commitment Allocation record for this Commitment Allocation Usage.

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