Order Management

Configuring for Order Processing: Static Data Setup

The packaged item, package unit, and transport handling unit can be set up with static data, such as weight, volume, and dimensions. These static data will be used in the calculation, when transactional data are not provided.

Packaged Item

Packaged item can be defined in two ways.

Have Package Unit Defined on Packaged Item

In this case, the packaged item is packaged in this defined package unit. Inner count on the packaged item indicates how many items are packed in the packaged unit, it is informational only. In the Units section, you define how to pack these packaged items onto pallet using Number of Layers and Quantity per Layer.

Example 1: Packaged Item 12PACKCOLA

  • One 12PACKCOLA is a box of 12 cans of COLA.
  • This has package unit 12PACK defined.
  • 12PACKCOLA can be packed 4 layers onto PALLET-A, and each layer has 6 packs of 12PACKCOLA.
  • 12PACKCOLA can also be packed 2 layers onto PALLET-B, and each layer has 8 packs of 12PACKCOLA.
Bug 35072898 - SR 3-32106288961 - UPGRADE 23A RATE MAINTENANCE CONTACT ISSUE

Packaged Item

Packaging Unit


12PACKCOLA 12PACK 12PACKCOLA packaged item associated with 12PACK packaging unit.


Transport Handling Unit

Packaging Unit

Inner Pack Count

Number of Layers

Quantity per Layer


PALLET-A N/A N/A 4 6 12PACKCOLA can be packed 4 layers onto PALLET-A, and each layer has 6 packs of 12PACKCOLA.
PALLET-B N/A N/A 2 8 12PACKCOLA can also be packed on 2 layers onto PALLET-B, and each layer has 8 packs of 12PACKCOLA.


Weight defined on packaged item includes weight from package unit. In the above example, it is for the whole package of 12PACKCOLA. Volume for the packaged item follows this hierarchy: effective volume on packaging unit on the packaged item, volume calculated using dimensions from packaging unit on the packaged item, the packaged item volume, and the volume calculated using dimensions from the packaged item.

Have Packaged Unit Defined on the Packaged Item Table

In this case, the packaged item is just the product information and does not have the notion of packaging contained within it. There can be multiple ways to package this item, so the concept of packaging unit must be introduced along with the package item so that OTM can fully understand how to ship this item. The inner count of the packaged item table indicates how many items are packed in the package unit, and this information will be used when calculating package count.

Weight defined on packaged item does not include package unit. In the following example, weight is for a single can of COLA.

Example 2: Packaged Item COLA

  • Package Unit is defined on TIHI table.
  • COLA can be packed into 12PACK and put on PALLET-A (12 inner count, 4 layers, 6 12PACK per layer).
  • COLA can also be packed into 24PACK and put on PALLET-B (24 inner count, 2 layers, 8 24PACK per layer).

Packaged Item

Packaging Unit


COLA N/A Packaged item COLA


Transport Handling Unit

Packaging Unit

Inner Pack Count

Number of Layers

Quantity per Layer


PALLET-A 12PACK 12 4 6 COLA can be packed into 12PACK and put on PALLET-A (12 inner count, 4 layers, 6 12PACK per layer).


2 8 COLA can also be packed into 24PACK and put on PALLET-B (24 inner count, 2 layers, 8 24PACK per layer).


Package Unit

Package unit is the packaging of the shipped goods, such as boxes. Package unit has tare weight, effective volume and dimensions. Oracle Transportation Management will use the data you provided to do the calculation, but not verify if goods will fit in the package unit.

In above Example 2, cans of COLA can be packed into 12PACK box or 24PACK box. Here, 12PACK box and 24PACK box is package unit.

  • Weight of ‘12PACK of COLA’ = Weight of COLA X 12 + Tare Weight of 12PACK box
  • Volume of ‘12PACK of COLA’ = Volume of 12PACK
  • Weight of ‘24PACK of COLA’ = Weight of COLA X 24 + Tare Weight of 24PACK box
  • Volume of ‘24PACK of COLA’ = Volume of 24PACK

Defining Items as Like

The Item Type on the Packaged item table is used to define the Like item relationship in OTM. Packaged items with the same type take on the characteristics of like items when building the Ship Units. This Like feature is used for TiHi configurations and Package Reference Units.

Defining the TiHi information

The TiHi information describes how a ship unit is configured in respect to a specific packaged item and packaging unit. This information describes how many of the packaged item/packaging units are contained in a layer and how many of these layers may fit on the transport handling unit. Number of Layers and Quantity per Layer from TIHI table will be used to build ship unit. The packing algorithm can use this TiHi information to build ship units of the Same PI/PU or Like PI/PU, where the Like relationship is described in the packaged item table above. When building the Ship Unit the packing algorithm checks that the Like items have the same TiHi configuration (number of layers and quantity per layer) before using the TiHi information. They must have the same configuration to build the pallet using this information. If they do not then they will follow a building pattern for mixed freight.

Defining the Package Reference Unit

The package reference unit (PRU) information describes how a ship unit is configured in respect to a specific packaged item and packaging unit. This information is at a more abstract level then the TiHi data and therefore can be used to describe different dimension of the transportation handling unit capacity and the packaged item/package unit consumption. The transportation unit defines how many of the PRUs it can hold and the packaged item/package unit defines how many units it consumes. The dimension here can be of quantity, value of goods, hazardous, etc. The packing algorithm can consider multiple PRUs simultaneously. The PRU can be applied to all types of transport handling units that are built, or just when the same item is packed together, or like items, as well as just applying for mixed freight. This is covered by the PRU application rule.

Packaged Item Category

The Packaged Item Category can be defined on the Packaged Item; it is an optional capability and is used only for orders that have an order configuration defined with the aggregate lines option selected. During the order release process the order base lines with the same packaged item category are aggregated to the same order release line. The screen for Packaged Item Category is where you define the representative packaged item for the category. When order base lines are aggregated during order releasing, the representative packaged item for the category becomes the packaged item defined on the order release line. This Representative Packaged Item ID can refer to an existing Packaged Item ID that has the characteristics for temperature, commodity, etc. that should be used during the planning phase on the order release, or this Representative Packaged Item can be a separate Packaged Item ID that is added to model these aggregated lines. For example:

  • Packaged Item = Pens and Category ID = Office Supplies
  • Packaged Item = Paper and Category ID = Office Supplies
  • Packaged Item = Notebooks and Category ID = Office Supplies
  • Packaged Item = Pencils and Category ID = Office Supplies
  • Category ID = Office Supplies

Option 1: You can set the representative packaged item to be Pens. In this case the order release line packaged item will say PENS.

  • Category ID = Office Supplies and Representative Package Item = Pens

Option 2: You can add a new Packaged Item for Office Supplies; although this is not an actual ordered item. In this case the order release line packaged item will say OFFICE SUPPLIES.

  • Packaged Item = Office Supplies and Category Id is blank
  • Category ID = Office Supplies and Representative Packaged Item = Office Supplies

Transport Handling Unit (THU)

Transport handling unit or THU can be thought as a pallet which holds boxes of COLA. It also has tare weight, effective volume, and dimensions. A THU can be defined as IN, ON, or Max. IN means the goods are filled inside the THU, eg. THU is a bin; the gross volume of the ship unit is the volume of THU. ON means the goods sit on top of the THU, eg. THU is a pallet; the gross volume of the ship unit is the volume of the goods and the volume of the THU. When THU is MAX, and gross volume calculation formula is ‘Calculate Using Net Per’ or ‘Calculate Using Line Net’, the gross volume of the ship unit is the max of THU volume and net volume of the goods.

Number of Layers and Quantity per Layer defined on Packaged Item Manager Units grid will be used together with THU dimension to calculate the dimension of the ship unit. When THU is IN, the dimension of the THU is the dimension of the ship unit. When THU is ON, the height of the ship unit is THU height plus goods height. When THU is MAX, the height of the ship unit is the max of THU height and goods height.

User-defined UOMs

User-defined UOMs (units of measure) can be created and used within OTM providing more flexibility. If using user-defined UOMs, a conversion must be created to a standard UOM. See the help topic Units of Measure.

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