Order Management

Order Creation: Releasing from an Order Base

Release Order Process

The Release Orders process is used to create order releases for any order base whose release instructions have not been processed. Oracle Transportation Management scans for a set of releasable order bases meeting a user-specific query. A releasable order base is defined as any order with release instructions that are not processed. The release instructions may have a "not processed" status due to an inactive Effective/Expiration Date time window that is defined on the base order, or if the Release Date on a particular Release Instruction has not occurred.

For more information, see the help topic Release Orders.

Release Instructions

Release instructions on the order base line or ship unit tell Oracle Transportation Management how much of the line to release.

Release instructions may be created two ways:

  • User: Release instructions may be added manually via the user interface or XML integration. When using this approach, Shippable on the line or ship unit should not be selected. If it is desired that these release instructions not be processed, the Allow Releasing check box should be cleared.
  • Automatically: If the Shippable check box is selected on the order base line or ship unit, Oracle Transportation Management will create the release instruction for you for the full amount of the line or ship unit. You should not create release instructions if shippable is checked. After Oracle Transportation Management creates the release instruction, it will uncheck the Shippable check box for you.

Note: Automatically releasing the full amount of a line or ship unit is generally supported for backward compatibility. If the entire order base will be released in a single transaction, a preferred alternative is to enter the order release directly without an order base.

When an order base is saved via the user interface, or an agent or manual action is triggered to release the order base, Oracle Transportation Management will attempt to process any release instructions where Processed is not selected and Allow Releasing is selected. After processing the release instruction, Oracle Transportation Management will check the Processed check box.

Releasing Actions

The following are user interface actions that support this releasing process. Some of these actions are configurable as a manager layout defined in the User Interface Configuration section. This allows you to select the action that best fits the order configuration and the business process needed and then configure the fields that are displayed for the action.

Hold/Allow Releasing

Applies to: Order Base

Toggles the RELEASE CONTROL status between “hold” and “allow” releasing.

Order Configurations Supported: All except for INSTRUCTED_PREPACK

OB Line Packing

Applies to: Order Base Line

Allows you to select order base lines from single or multiple order bases to build an order release. Prompts with ship unit building instructions to create order release ship units from order base lines.

Order Configurations Supported: INSTRUCTED_PREPACK

Release Lines

Applies to: Order Base, Order Base Line*

Prompts with Order Base Line page allowing you to add release instructions or mark the line shippable. This action will attempt to bundle lines from different order bases.

Order Configurations Supported: PREPACK, ONE_TO_ONE, AUTO_CALC

Release Ship Units

Applies to: Order Base, Order Base Ship Unit*

Prompts with Order Base Ship Unit page allowing you to add release instructions or mark the line shippable.

Order Configurations Supported: SHIP_UNITS, SHIP_UNIT_LINES

Release Order Base

Applies to: Order Base

If there are order releases that exist for that order base, they will be deleted. It then re-processes the existing release instructions.

Order Configurations Supported: All except for INSTRUCTED_PREPACK

Ready to Ship

Applies to: Order Base Line, Order Base Ship Unit

Prompts for line/ship unit information, defaulting to the remaining amount to release. Data entered is used to create and process a new release instruction.

Order Configurations Supported: PREPACK

Release Remaining Order Amount

Applies to: Order Base Line*, Order Base Ship Unit*

Creates and processes a release instruction for the remaining unreleased amount.

Order Configurations Supported: All except for INSTRUCTED_PREPACK

Release Total Order Amount

Applies to: Order Base Line*, Order Base Ship Unit*

Creates and process a release instruction for the full amount, regardless of existing release instructions.

Order Configurations Supported: All except for INSTRUCTED_PREPACK

Simple Ready to Ship

Applies to: Order Base Line

Prompts for a small amount of line/ship unit information that is used to create and process a new release instruction.

Order Configurations Supported: PREPACK

* Will attempt to bundle lines from different order bases if run from the detail (order base line/order base ship unit) page.

Manually Releasing Orders

By Ship Unit

On the Order Release manager Ship Unit tab there is a Select Line field. You can use this field to select one or more order base ship units to pull into the order release. This field will only appear if the order release is being created by ship units.

By Line

Similar to the “By Ship Unit” example described above, the Order Release manager Line Item tab has a Select Line field allowing you to select one or more order base line items to pull into the order release. This field will only appear if the order release is being created by line items.

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