Order Management

Order Creation: Generating Ship Units

For order releases that are entered as lines, OTM will generate the associated ship units from these lines. There are multiple methods that can be used to generate the ship units that are addressed in the order configuration topic. These methods are PREPACK, ONE_TO_ONE and AUTO_CALC. The AUTO_CALC method utilizes the CONOPT algorithms in OTM to build ship units in an optimal manner. The following is an overview of the data that is used by the CONOPT algorithm to build ship units at the time of order release creation as well as shipment ship unit building. The shipment ship unit building time is for the repack capabilities. Repack allows the OTM ship unit building logic to repack the ship units at the time of shipment planning thus enabling it to make better transportation decision that are related to how the ship units are packed.

The property glog.business.order.packing.allowMixedTHUWithAllSameItems impacts grouping of mixed freight ship units. This property needs to be set to true to allow same items to go in mixed transport handling units (THU). The default is false.

Key Data Utilized by Ship Unit Building

  1. Order Configuration: The Allow Repack and Allow Repack of Partial Ship Unit indicators control the shipment ship unit repacking logic.
  2. Transport Handling Units to be used for Ship Unit Building
    1. Can be specified directly on the order line.
    2. Can be defined on the packaged item .
    3. Can be restricted by location to only allow certain transport handling units.
    4. Can be restricted by mode to only allow certain transport handling units.
  3. Transport Handling Unit Capacity restrictions
    1. The maximum dimensions used to generate ship units can be restricted by the receiving location.
    2. The ability to build mixed freight ship units can be controlled at the packaged item and the receiving locations.
    3. The maximum number of mixed items allowed on a ship unit can be restricted by the receiving location.
    4. The Capacity and consumption of transport handling units can be described in terms of Package Reference Units (PRUs).
  4. Transport Mode
    1. During shipment ship unit building the rated cost can vary based on how the ship units are generated. Transport modes that support this type of rating can be designated with the Consider Cost during SSU repack option.

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