Order Management

Order Creation: Order Configuration’s Role

Order releases may be created either by releasing portions of an order base, or directly without an order base. The Order Model Overview topic describes the various entry points for an order, and how it ultimately results in an order release with ship units that can be planned into shipments.

Order Configuration’s Role

Regardless of whether the order will be released from an order base or created directly, it is important to understand the Order Configuration options, as a configuration must be selected when entering an order base or order release. For example, the Order Base/Release Creation field indicates whether the order base/order release will be entered with lines or with ship units.

If lines are entered, the Ship Unit Creation field indicates whether or not Oracle Transportation Management should automatically create ship units from order release lines when an order release with lines is created. The selections on the Order Configuration’s Order Release tab indicate how those ship units should be built.

If ship units are entered, the selections on the Order Configuration’s Order Release tab indicate which ship unit and line fields should be derived, and in some cases, the formula to derive them.

The sections below describe the various ways an order release can be created.

By Ship Unit

If it is already known how an order is packed (the shippable units are known), the order should be entered by ship unit. There are three ways you can create an order release by ship unit:

  1. Create an order base with ship units and release the order base. This will create an order release with one or more ship units. Please see below for additional information on releasing an order base using the Release Order Process and/or Releasing Actions.
  2. On the Order Release manager Ship Unit tab there is a New Ship Unit button. Clicking this button will bring up the Ship Unit edit page where you can manually add all of the information associated with the new ship unit.
  3. Use the Select Line field on the Order Release manager Ship Unit tab to select one or more order base ship units to pull into the order release (see Manually Releasing Orders below).

By Line

If the shippable units are not known, and it is desired that Oracle Transportation Management create them from a list of items to be shipped, the order should be entered by line. There are three ways you can create an order release by line item:

  1. Create an order base with line items and release the order base. Please see below for additional information on releasing an order base using Release Order Process and/or Releasing Actions.
  2. Click the New Line Item button on the Order Release manager Line Item tab. This will bring up the Line Item edit screen where you can manually add all of the information associated with the new line item. This button will only appear if the order release is being created by line items.
  3. Use the Select Line field on the Order Release manager Line Item tab to select one or more order base line items to pull into the order release (see Manually Releasing Orders below).

Once order release line items have been created, they must then be assigned to ship units before the order can be planned into a shipment. This will be done automatically if the Ship Unit Creation field on the order configuration is set to “On Create.” If Ship Unit Creation is set to “User Initiated,” it is up to you to create the ship units. This may be done via the UI or agent action “Generate Ship Units,” or manually from the Ship Unit edit screen. The Ship Unit edit screen has a Select Line section that can be used to select one or more order release lines to move into the current ship unit. This button will only appear if the order release is being created by line items.

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