Order Management

Order Release Line Packing

This action is accessed via Order Release Manager > Order Management > Actions > Change Order > Order Release Line Packing.

Use this action to manually pack order release lines into ship units. Once you use this action for an order release, you cannot use it again for the same order release.

Line Items

In this section, you decide which items to pack together and ship. Each packaged item that you select displays with the ordered quantity specified on the original order release line. The remaining quantity column shows calculated values based on the difference between the ordered quantity and the amount already built onto a ship unit.

  1. To pack items together for shipping, select the packaged items and click the New Ship Unit button. The Order Release Line Packing Detail page opens, where you will enter the release instructions.

Ship Units

After you create the ship units by clicking the New Ship Unit button, you can Delete them or click Finished.

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