Order Management

Split Order Release

This action is accessed via Order Release Manager > Order Management > Change Order > Split Order Release.

This is similar to the Split Shipment by Ship Unit action that you can run on a shipment, except you are performing the action on an order release.

This action is used if you want to split off part of an order release. This action can be invoked for order releases planned onto order movements and shipments.

The input for the action displays a list of all of the shipment ship units for any first leg shipments or unplanned order movements on which this order release is planned. You select how much of each S Ship Unit to split off. The split off portion of each S Ship Unit, and any corresponding S Ship Unit on any downstream shipments or unplanned order movements, are removed. Shipments and order movements that had only these S Ship Units are removed.

As a result of this action, the split off portion will become a new order release, not planned on any shipment and not on any order movement.

Note: If you split order releases from a previously-merged shipment which had different involved parties on each of the original orders, those involved parties will be restored during the merge process. Additionally, if similar major involved parties exist on the split order releases, the major involved party on the release being merged into will take precedence.

This functionality uses the Split Shipment - Direct functionality. The main differences between these two actions with regard to shipments and order movements is that the Split Order Release action will never result in new order movements or shipments, but it can be invoked when order releases have order movements but no shipments.

Note: For order releases split by ship unit count, the range start/end for the s ship units for the original order release will not be altered, so gaps in the range may occur. (For example, the s-ship units that originally had ranges 1-30 and 31-60 might, as a result of this action, have ranges 1-20 and 31-60. The range 21-30 was split off, but the ranges of the remaining s-ship units for the original order are not revised.)

Note: The system does not touch the shipment ship unit equipment reference unit records on the remaining shipments.

When an order release on a shipment gets split, the split order release action does the following:

  1. If the shipment stop no longer has any other ship units that are either picked up or delivered, then the logic marks the shipment stop for deletion and removes the stop from the shipment
  2. If there are no ship units on the shipment, meaning none of the stops in the shipment picks up or delivers any freight, then the entire shipment is marked for deletion.
  3. If there are no freight on the s_equipment, the s_equipment is marked for deleted and later removed from the shipment.  This is needed in cases where the shipment has multiple s-equipments.

If the shipment happens to be a ground schedule or consol shipment, neither the stops nor the shipment should be removed, so OTM skips the above steps for ground schedule and consol shipment.

Splitting an Order Release:

  1. Enter the amount that you want to Split Off to a new order release.
  2. Click OK.

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