Shipment Management

Address Components

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Power Data > Geography > Address Component.

Address components define where a location is geographically. For example, city, state, and zip/postal code are address components. You cannot edit the pre-defined, public data address components. However, you can create additional address components that you can edit or delete.

Adding Address Components

  1. Enter a unique HName Component ID to identify the address component.
  2. Enter the Location Column Name to identify the location to which the address applies.
  3. Enter the Start Offset to define where the address component displays in a field. For example, the USZIP3 component is defined as the characters starting at #1 on the POSTAL_CODE field for the location.
  4. Enter the End Offset to define the total number of characters in the address component. For example, USZIP3 uses three characters.
  5. Select a Domain Name or accept the current domain.
  6. Click Finished.

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