Shipment Management

Creating High and Low Values for Canadian Postal Codes and other Countries

The first part of these instructions is for creating a region based on ZIP code ranges that are alpha-numeric. The instructions provided below for Canadian postal codes would apply the same for other counties that use ZIP/Postal codes that are alpha-numeric (GBR Great Britain / United Kingdom and other European countries for example).

The second portion of these instructions provides clarification for creating regions based on ZIP/Postal code ranges that are numeric in other countries. For numeric, it is clear that "from 123 to 130" means "123,124,125,...,130".

The values in the x_geo_postal_point table are used to list valid ZIP codes, or usually, valid partial ZIP codes. For example, you have a range of "from A1H to A3Y". If the table contained the following, you can see which ones would be included when formulating the region:

  • A1A - would not be included
  • A1H - would be included
  • A1J - would be included
  • A2B - would be included
  • A2Z - would not be included

This table cannot be accessed from the user interface. It can be loaded via CSV and will be propagated to x_geo_postal_point as long as the following steps are taken.

Following are the steps that need to be taken to properly set up high and low values for Canadian postal codes since they are alpha-numeric.

  1. Define an address component of "CAN_POSTAL" with a location column name of "Postal_Code." Set the start offset to 1 and the end offset to 7. Go to Shipment Management > Power Data > Geography > Address Component.
  2. Define a geography hierarchy of "CAN_POSTAL" with a rank of 2 and a country code of "CAN" containing the address component "CAN_POSTAL." Go to Shipment Management > Power Data > Geography > Geography Hierarchy.
  3. Define a region of "CAN_TEST" with region details including a low range value of M5H 2L2 and a high range value of M5H 2L5. Set the country code to "CAN" and the geo hierarchy to "CAN_POSTAL." Go to Shipment Management > Power Data > Geography > Regions.
  4. Define each Canadian postal code via Shipment Management > Power Data > Geography > Postal Code Latitude/Longitude.

After the above is correctly set, Oracle Transportation Management will automatically formulate the Canadian postal codes correctly.

Related Topics

Postal Code Validate