Shipment Management

Postal Code Latitude/Longitude

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Power Data > Geography > Postal Code Latitude/Longitude.

The postal code latitude/longitude is used to create new postal codes. To add a new postal code, you must know its latitude and longitude to tie the postal code to locations. The postal code latitude/longitude is used for estimating rate costs and distance. Groups of postal codes can be uploaded via CSV.

Adding a Postal Code Latitude/Longitude

  1. Enter the Postal Code of the latitude/longitude location.
  2. Enter the Latitude of the location.
  3. Enter the Longitude of the location.
  4. Use the Accuracy parameter to specify your degree of certainty regarding the accuracy of the latitude and longitude. It is recommended you enter 0.0. This indicates that you are 100% certain of the latitude and longitude entered for a particular location.
  5. Enter a Country Code ID.
  6. Select a Domain Name or accept the current domain.
  7. Click Finished.

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