Business Process Automation

Message Type

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Power Data > Message Management > Message Type.

A message type indicates how a message in the Message Hub should be processed.

Adding a Message Type

  1. Enter a Message Type ID.
  2. Enter a Description.
  3. Enter a number that represents the Message Priority. A priority of 1 is the highest priority and will be processed first.
  4. Select the Message Direction. The option you choose affects what fields are visible on this page.
  5. Select when to Send to Message Center. Your selection determines when messages are sent to the Message Center. They can always be sent, never sent, or sent only when there is an error.
  6. Select the Domain.
  7. Select if you want to Generate Transmission XML. If you select Yes, XML is generated for the message. The XML message can then be used in a workflow to trigger events, such as changing a status. The XML is generated based on the result stylesheet profile you select. This option is only available for inbound messages.
  8. Enter the Result Stylesheet Profile ID if you chose to generate transmission XMLs. The result stylesheet profile ID specifies the transmission XML template to use when creating the transmissions XML. This option is only available for inbound messages.
  9. Select the Make Device Association check box if the message type should be used as a device login message, and associate the device with a business object. In order for this to occur, the Device ID and business object GID (driver, equipment, or power unit) must have been extracted from the inbound message. This option is only available for inbound messages.
  10. Select the Remove Device Association check box if the message type should be used as a device logoff message, and expire the association of the device to the business object. In order for this to occur, the Device ID and business object GID (driver, equipment, or power unit) must have been extracted from the inbound message. This option is only available for inbound messages.
  11. Select the Persist Outbound Messages check box if you want outbound messages to be stored in the Message Hub. This option is only available for outbound messages.
  12. Enter the Contact Notification ID. The notify subject centralizes the contacts and stylesheet profiles to use for sending outbound notifications. The recipients of the outbound message will be taken from the contacts associated with the notify subject. This option is only available for outbound messages.
  13. Enter the Message Center User ID. This specifies the recipient of the Message Center message. If you enter a message center user ID, the Message Center Involved Party Data Type and Message Center Involved Party Qualifier fields are ignored.
  14. Enter the Message Center Stylesheet Profile ID to indicate the stylesheet used to create the Message Center message.
  15. Enter the Message Center Involved Party Data Type to determine the recipient of the Message Center message. Your options are restricted to DRIVER or SHIPMENT. This field is ignored if you populated the Message Center User ID field.
  16. Enter the Message Center Involved Party Qualifier to identify the recipient of the message in the Message Center. This field is ignored if you populated the Message Center User ID field.
  17. Click Finished.

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