Business Process Automation

Auto Secure Resource Criterion

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Power Data > Event Management > Auto Secure Resource Criterion.

Auto secure resource criterion determine whether a lane is considered for auto tendering. The auto secure resource criterion are a subset of the auto secure resource profiles, which appear on the Tender Information tab lane definition.

  1. Enter a name in the Auto Secure Resource Criterion ID field.
  2. Select an Object Name from the drop-down box.
  3. In the Field Name list, select the field used to determine if the criteria is valid, and then enter a UOM code (unit of measure code) to measure value for the field. For example, if you select Total Weight as the field name, then you can enter KG or LB in the UOM Code field.
  4. The Min Value and Max Value fields are inclusive. So if you enter a range of 10 to 100, then that range includes 10 and 100. This range is used is the qualification of the criteria. Following the previous example, the total weight for the shipment must be between 10 and 100 to use any auto secure resource profiles that use this auto secure resource criterion.
  5. Select a Domain Name from the drop-down list.

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