Business Process Automation

Mail Domains

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Power Data > Mail Management > Mail Domains.

This page lists all OCI email domains matching the your cloud account. You can manage your domains using this page. You can:

  • See all the mail domains visible to this cloud account. This includes domains created by any cloud account in the organization. 
  • Add a new mail domain. DKIM records for this domain will be automatically added.
  • Remove a mail domain. All DKIM records must be fully deleted before a domain can be removed.
  • Validate the mail domain.
  • View the DKIM information. These are detail DKIM entries needed in the your DNS domain; either CNAME or TXT records.
  • Add or remove DKIM records to be added and removed.

Managing Mail Domains

The columns on this page display:

  • The mail domain itself.
  • The OCI state of the domain.
  • The date/time the domain was created.
  • The owner/creator of the domain. This is currently "Account" as standard configuration only displays Mail Senders owned by this cloud account.
  • The SPF column contains information about Sender Policy Framework (SPF) tests with the following results:

    • Green check: SPF checks have passed for this email domain. 
    • Yellow warning: SPF validation has not been checked or SPF records do not exist for this email domain.
    • Red error: SPF checks for this email domain are not passing. This is typically due to a soft or hard bounce.
  • The DKIM column contains the results of a different mail security test, DomainKeys Identified Mail. The result indicators are similar to SPF:

    • Green check: DKIM is active for this email domain and mail content will be signed.
    • Yellow warning: DKIM has not been checked for this email domain.
    • Red error: DKIM is incorrectly configured for this email domain. Mail content will not be signed.
  • The Validated column shows the the date/time the domain was last validated.
  • The Validate button refreshes the domain status values. This allows you to work on your DNS entries and recheck them from the Mail Domain screen much like you can from the Mail Sender or Mail Validation screens.
  • The DKIM button displays the DKIM Entries for the mail domain. This contains the CNAME subdomain and value which you can use to populate your DNS server for DKIM. You can delete the DKIM entries individually by clicking Remove, or en masse, by clicking Remove All.
  • Note: For a detailed overview of how to manage DKIM, see Configuring DKIM.

  • The Remove buttons lets you remove a domain if all of the DKIM entries have been removed. To remove domain, click the DKIM button and remove all the records there. Then return to this page and click the Remove button. There may be a delay while the DKIM records are removed.
  • Use the Refresh button to refresh the page after you add a domain or make other changes.
  • The Add button lets you define a new domain.


Adding a New Mail Domain

Note: Adding a domain may take a few minutes to be reflected on the Mail Domains page.

  1. Enter a Mail Domain.
  2. Enter an DKIM Selector Prefix. The DKIM Selector Prefix defaults to the domain name and uniquely defines the DKIM selector. You can explicitly set it to have a DKIM ID or CNAME subdomain name and value identified by your organization name. If omitted, DKIMs are based on each domain migrated. If specified, a single prefix is used across all migrated domains. For a detailed overview of how to manage DKIM, see Configuring DKIM.
  3. Click Add.

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