
Update Classification Version

This page is accessed via Classification > Process Management > Product Classification > Update Classification Version.

Use this page to update product classification data to the most recent data version.

Note: The gtm.updateClassification.batchsize property defines the desired number of records with same product classification code to be updated to the most recent data version in each batch.  

Updating Product Classification Data

  1. Select a classification type from the Product Classification Type drop-down list.
  2. Select a cluster from the Cluster drop-down list.
  3. If you are running cluster scalability, specify a cluster to which this request should be assigned.
  4. Enter a User Role. When you run, publish, or schedule a recurring process, you can specify the user role used to perform the process, just like when you run agents. The user role can be used to specify a separate VPD role or another domain to run the agent. When a recurring process is modified, the user role of the recurring process can be modified as well.
  5. Select a Log Profile to generate focused logging when reproducing an error for the specific action. You cannot select a log profile when you choose to schedule a process, as automatic generation of action logs is not supported.
  6. Select Execute, Publish, or Schedule to determine when the process will be executed.
  7. Click Submit.

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