Shipment Management

Assign Driver (to Shipment)

This page is accessed via Shipment Manager > Shipment Manager > Buy Shipments > Actions > Fleet Management > Assign > Driver.

Use this action to assign a driver to a shipment. You can manually select a driver, have the system select the best option by clicking OK, or have the system display all valid drivers and then select one.

When you assign a driver to a shipment, the service provider of the shipment is changed to the one found in the rate offering that is tied to the driver or driver type. If there is no service provider associated with the driver or driver type, the DEFAULT SERVICE PROVIDER FOR FLEET ASSIGNMENT parameter will be used.

Note: This action will function for CLOSED-DETACHABLE shipments, but not for STATIC or DYNAMIC shipments.

When you assign a driver, the associated power unit and the equipment associated with the power unit will be assigned.

Note: When you run this action, if there are depot stops on the shipment with no pickups or dropoffs, they will be removed from the shipment.

Note: This action will fail if the shipment has a SECURE_RESOURCES status of TENDERED or ACCEPTED.

You can configure how to get the driver home by setting the MARK DRIVER HOME STOP FIXED and GET THE DRIVER HOME FOR FLEET OPTIMIZATION parameters when using this action.

Filter criteria includes the following:

  • The driver's Next Available Start Time and Next Available End Time which uses driver calendars and calendar events to determine a driver's availability.
  • When filtering by Driver Maximum Distance to Shipment, the system looks at both the NAL and the driver's previous NAL. You have the option of replacing the currently assigned shipment or appending the new shipment to his last one.
  • Details about the driver's hours of service including four elements. You can set a minimum and maximum for each element using the From and To fields. The elements are:
    • Hours to Work indicates how many hours a potential driver candidate has remaining on his 14 hour work rule
    • Hours to Drive indicates how many hours a potential driver candidate has remaining on his 11 hour drive rule
    • Hours Left on Shift: The action pulls data from a driver's work profile calendar.
    • Start of Shift: The action pulls data from a driver's work profile calendar.

The driver's rate offering is used. If there is not a driver's rate offering, the driver types' rate offering is used. If neither driver nor driver type has a rate offering, the shipment is re-rated.

The assignment of a driver to a shipment can be done the following ways:

  • Manual assignment: To assign a driver manually, select the Driver ID option button (default) and enter a Driver ID.
  • Best option: After clicking the More Options button, clicking OK, automatically selects the best option.
  • All options: Use the Show Options button (after clicking the More Options button) to show all valid drivers. A new page opens that displays valid options along with the following fields for review:
    • Costs: Costs associated with the Primary set are the costs used to rank the driver from most desirable to least desirable.  Secondary and Tertiary are informational. The Driver with he lowest primary set cost is the driver that would be selected as best option. if using that option.
    • Driver Location: This is the next available location (NAL).
    • Driver Time: is displayed in the driver location's time zone. This is the NAT.
    • Replace Last Shipment: When you are assigning a driver, you may be given two options for each driver. If the Replace Last Shipment check box is selected, then the shipment listed in the Last Shipment ID column will be replaced. If you choose the driver option where the Replace Last Shipment check box is not selected, then the shipment is appended to the driver's schedule.
    • Last Shipment ID: If you select the driver with this option, then this shipment is replaced by the new shipment.
    • Assignment Status: If the Replace Last Shipment check box is selected, then this field displays the assignment status of the next to last shipment. If the Replace Last Shipment check box is not selected, then this field is blank.
    • Source Location: is the shipment pickup location.
    • Destination Location: is the shipment drop location.
    • Empty Distance: This is calculated based on the rate distance of the shipment. This is done after the assignment. This is more accurate than the maximum and minimum distances on the driver advanced filter. The distances on the driver advanced filter are direct distances based on latitude and longitude. This is done before the assignment. These two distance values are normally slightly different.
    • Driver Home Distance: The distance from the last freighted stop and the driver's home/end of shift location.
    • Retained Equipment: This will be selected if
      1) if the driver is currently retaining equipment from previous shipment. In this case, the "Retained Equipment Type ID" column will be populated with the actual equipment type ID being retained.
      2) if the driver's previous shipment mandates to take empty equipment (i.e.., MOVE EMPTY special service) and the DROP EMPTY AFTER FREIGHT is not processed yet. In this case, the "Retained Equipment Type ID" column will be blank.
      It will not be selected in other cases, including when the driver's previous shipment has CHECK INVENTORY special service.

      If a driver is currently retaining some multi equipment from its previous shipment, it should be handled as part of equipment type assignment in this shipment - similar to the way it is handled for a single retained equipment. If for example, this equipment cannot be used for freight of the current shipment, the multi equipment  should do a Drop Empty Before Freight leg as part of this shipment.
    • Retained Equipment Type ID: refers to the case where driver's previous assignment requires a live unload and a move empty as dictated by special services.
    • Next Calendar Event Location Name: The name of the location for the next event in the calendar.
    • Next Calendar Event Start Time: The start time of the  next event in the calendar.
    • Time Left to Work/Time Left to Drive: Derived off the hours of service (HOS) rules for work and drive, and the hours consumed against those rules.
    • Time Left on Shift: when the Driver time falls before the start of shift, the time left on shift is displayed as end time minus start time and if the driver time is between start of shift and end of shift then, time left on shift is end of shift minus driver current time.
    • Start of Shift: start of the current day shift. If the current time is beyond the end of today's shift, it is the start of tomorrow's shift.
    • Get the Driver Home: If you leave this drop-down with "Use Parameter Value", then the Get the Driver Home parameter is used to determine if the driver's home is added as a stop. Selecting "No" ignores the parameter and does not add the driver's home as a stop. Selecting "Yes" ignores the parameter, brings the driver home, and displays the Mark Home Stop Fixed field.
      • Mark Home Stop Fixed: If you set the Get the Driver Home value to "Yes", then the Mark Home Stop Fixed field appears. This setting lets you override the settings available in the MARK DRIVER HOME STOP FIXED parameter, but for this specific situation. The possible values are:

If set to No, the return home stop is not marked as permanent for the driver's current assignment and also the "Stop_Not_Removable" special service is not set on the home stop. So the next assignment for the driver will start from the last freight stop of the current assignment.

If set to Yes, the return home stop is marked as permanent for the driver's current assignment and also the "Stop_Not_Removable" special service is set on the home stop. So the next assignment for the driver will start from the home location.

If set to "Based on Driver Shift", the "Stop_Not_Removable" special service is set on the home stop, but the permanent flag is not set on the stop. The state of the special service and permanent flag is used as an indicator for the logic to decide whether to remove the home stop based on the driver shifts or not during the next assignment. If the next assignment for the driver falls on the same shift as the current assignment, then the home stop will be removed. For the next assignment, the driver will start from the last freight stop of the current assignment.  But, if the next assignment for the driver falls on the next shift or outside the current shift, then the home stop is not removed from the current assignment. The driver will go home after the current assignment and start from the home location for the next assignment.

After reviewing the options, select the option button for the preferred driver and click OK.

Assigning a Driver to a Shipment:

Select the Assign Driver action. The Assign Driver to Shipment - Override Criteria page opens. See the Override Criteria for Fleet Planning topic to complete the page.

Using Drag-and-Drop in a Workbench Layout

Between Tables

Assign driver (to shipment): Select one or more drivers in a table and drag-and-drop them to a shipment in another table.

  • When the drivers are dropped, the action Assign Driver (to shipment) runs in the background.
    • When a single driver is dropped on a shipment, the action assigns that exact driver ID to the shipment.
    • When multiple drivers are dropped on shipment, the actions assigns the best driver to the shipment.
    • The affected drivers and shipment are updated on any tables, maps, or Gantt charts included in your layout.
    • If the action fails, you see the OTM error message.
  • The action Assign Driver (to shipment) action runs as follows:


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