Shipment Management

Build Sell Charges From Buy Side Charges

This page is accessed via Shipment Manager > Shipment Management > Sell Shipments > Actions > Financials > Bill > Build Sell Charges From Buy Side Charges.

This action allows you to add charges to sell shipments. These charges can come from buy shipments or from jobs.

Note: The behavior of this action is defined by the glog.sellshipment.buildSellCosts property.

Buy Shipment Costs

This section shows Buy Shipment information related to the Sell Shipment you ran the action for. Included is summary information such as the shipment ID, source and destination locations, transportation mode, and the primary service provider.

Below the header section, each cost associated with the buy shipment is listed. Some of the information is populated from the buy shipment and is shown in read-only format. These include cost type, accessorial code, shipment cost, and payment method.

The remaining fields are editable and will affect how the charge gets added to the sell shipment:

  • Apply Cost to Sell Side: Select this option to add the charge as a separate cost to the shipment.
  • Apply Cost to Base Cost: Select this option to add the charge to the base cost of the shipment.
  • Sell Payment Method: Create or edit the Payment Method Code for the charge.
  • % Mark-Up Flag: The charge you are adding to the shipment can be added as a percentage of the actual cost or as a flat monetary amount. Select this check box to add the charge as a percentage of the actual cost.
  • Note: Until you select this check box, the % Mark-Up field is uneditable.

    Note: You can use the % Mark-Up flag or the Flat Mark-Up flag, but not both.

  • % Mark-Up: Enter the percentage the additional charge should be relative to the actual cost.
  • Flat Mark-Up Flag: The charge you are adding to the shipment can be added as a percentage of the actual cost or as a flat monetary amount. Select this check box to add the charge as a flat monetary amount.
  • Note: Until you select this check box, the Flat Mark-Up field is uneditable.

    Note: You can use the % Mark-Up flag or the Flat Mark-Up flag, but not both.

  • Flat Mark-Up: Enter the monetary amount of the additional charge.

Buy Non Freight Related Charge Costs

This section shows Non Freight Related Charge Costs related to the Sell Shipment you ran the action for. Included is summary information such as the charge id, the primary service provider, and the description of the charge.

Below the header section, each cost associated with the non-freight related charge (NFRC) is listed. Some of the information is populated from the non-freight related charge and is shown in read-only format. These include cost type, accessorial code, shipment cost, and payment method.

The remaining fields are editable and affect how the charge is added to the sell shipment:

  • Apply Cost to Sell Side: Select this option to add the charge as a separate cost to the shipment.
  • Apply Cost to Base Cost: Select this option to add the charge to the base cost of the shipment.
  • Sell Payment Method: Create or edit the Payment Method Code for the charge.
  • % Mark-Up Flag: The charge you are adding to the shipment can be added as a percentage of the actual cost or as a flat monetary amount. Select this check box to add the charge as a percentage of the actual cost.
  • Note: Until you select this check box, the % Mark-Up field is uneditable.

    Note: You can use the % Mark-Up flag or the Flat Mark-Up flag, but not both.

  • % Mark-Up: Enter the percentage the additional charge should be relative to the actual cost.
  • Flat Mark-Up Flag: The charge you are adding to the shipment can be added as a percentage of the actual cost or as a flat monetary amount. Select this check box to add the charge as a flat monetary amount.
  • Note: Until you select this check box, the Flat Mark-Up field is uneditable.

    Note: You can use the % Mark-Up flag or the Flat Mark-Up flag, but not both.

  • Flat Mark-Up: Enter the monetary amount of the additional charge.

Sell Shipment Costs

Clicking Calculate Sell Costs will pass down all the shipment costs records, including the ones requiring mark-up, which you just defined using the Apply Costs To Sell Side field above. The action performs a tolerance check.

Note: The tolerance limits are defined in the Mark-Up section of the Customer Manager.

If the costs are not within the defined tolerance, you receive an error stating that the calculated charges are not within defined tolerances for this customer.

You can edit the sell shipment service provider, as well as certain sell shipment charges and payment data, including the cost type, accessorial code, payment method code, and shipment cost.

Click Finished at the bottom of the page. This updates the sell shipment service provider, totals all the cost fields, updates the total actual costs, sets the "fixed cost flag" on the shipment, and replaces all sell shipment cost records with those you have defined in this action.

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