Shipment Management

Calculated Fields: Driver Manager

Calculated fields are fields whose content consists of information aggregated from several other fields. They are used on the following finders and finder results pages: Driver Manager, Equipment Manager and Shipment Manager.

The following properties let you define your use of calculated fields:

Following are some of the calculated fields on the Driver manager along with descriptions.

Driver Manager Calculated Fields

  • Next Assignment Source Location ID: This shows drivers available within a certain location ID.
  • Proximity to Source Location: Drivers available within a certain from and to distance of a location. For example, a driver within 10 and 20 miles of Philadelphia.
  • Date at Source Location: Drivers available within a certain distance of a location with a next available time (NAT) within an interval. For example, drivers available within 10-20 miles of Philadelphia within 10-15 minute duration.
  • Next or Previous Available Time: If "Next or Previous Available Time" field is populated, the NAT (next available time) of the driver's last 2 driver assignment records will be compared. The driver will be returned if either driver assignment record matches. All time comparisons are based on local time zone. For example, if you enter 2011-12-22 04:00 and AFTER, and if a driver's NAT is 2011-12-22 04:01 at New York, and another driver's NAT is 2011-12-22 04:02 at Los Angles, both drivers will be returned.
  • Current Shipment Status: If one or more statuses in the Current Shipment Status field are selected, the driver will be returned if the last shipment of the driver matches one of the selected status. For example, if "Committed" and "Dispatched" are selected, and the last shipment of the driver has shipment status DRIVER ASSIGNMENT_COMMITTED, or DISPATCH_SENT, or DISPATCH_MODIFY SENT, or DISPATCH_CONFIRMED, the driver will be returned.
  • Last 7-Day Miles: This is a high-level sum of the total miles a driver has driven for all shipments over the last 7 days. This field is not meant to count miles from shipments that started more than 7 days ago, nor does it include partial miles from current shipments. This will help you see how much work a driver has under his belt.
  • Hours Left to Work - Continuous: This allows you to search for driver's hours left to work within a range, for the Hours of Service (HOS) rule type of continuous. These hours are based on the current time if the driver's next available time is in the past. It is based on the driver's next available time if that time is in the future.
  • Hours Left to Work - Period: This allows you to search for driver's hours left to work within a range, for the Hours of Service (HOS) rule type of period. These hours are based on the current time if the driver's next available time is in the past. It is based on the driver's next available time if that time is in the future.
  • Hours Left to Drive - Continuous: This allows you to search for driver's hours left to drive within a range, for the Hours of Service (HOS) rule type of continuous. These hours are based on the current time if the driver's next available time is in the past. It is based on the driver's next available time if that time is in the future.
  • Hours Left to Drive - Period: This allows you to search for driver's hours left to drive within a range, for the Hours of Service (HOS) rule type of period. These hours are based on the current time if the driver's next available time is in the past. It is based on the driver's next available time if that time is in the future.
  • Next Stop Variance: Variance between tracking time versus estimated time on first non-actualized shipment stop. The first non-actualized stop is the first stop without an actual departure time.
  • Hours Since Last Break: This is the number of hours since the driver last took a break.
  • Start of Shift: Finds drivers who start their shift between a certain time.
  • Hours Left on Shift: Drivers with a certain number of hours left on the shift; with a certain number of hours left to drive.
  • First Freight Equipment ID: This gives the first equipment with is_freight = 'Y'. First Freight Equipment ID represents the First Equipment ID on the shipment that carries the freight on the shipment.
  • First Freight Equipment Type ID: This finds the equipment type of the first equipment having is_freight = 'Y'. First Freight Equipment Type ID represents the First Equipment Type ID on the shipment that carries the freight on the shipment.
  • Equipment Assignment State: Filters drivers having equipment with a particular equipment state, such as Equipment Assigned, on the current driver assignment
  • Teamed Driver: Allows you to search for drivers that are designated as primary or secondary drivers within a driver team. You can also search for non-team drivers.
  • Retained Equipment: Filters and displays drivers who have or have not retained any equipment at the end of the driver's current assignment.
  • Retained Equipment ID: This field filters the drivers by the equipment ID retained at the NAT/NAL. For example, if a driver's last assignment's last shipment stop involves a live unload and the driver has not yet dropped the equipment, it is considered to be retained by the driver.
  • Retained Equipment Type ID: This field filters the drivers by the equipment type ID retained at the NAT/NAL. For example, if a driver's last assignment's last shipment stop involves a live unload and the driver has not yet dropped the equipment type, it is considered to be retained by the driver.
  • Equipment ID at NAT/NAL: This field filters the drivers by the equipment ID dropped at the NAT/NAL. For example, if a driver's last assignment's last shipment stop involves a drop equipment, the equipment is used as a filter.
  • Equipment Type ID at NAT/NAL: This field filters the drivers by the equipment type ID dropped at the NAT/NAL. For example, if a driver's last assignment's last shipment stop involves a drop equipment, the equipment type is used as a filter.
  • Next Calendar Event Location ID: This is the location for the drivers next calendar event.
  • Next Calendar Event City: Uses the EVENT_LOCATION_GID field to determine the city for the next calendar event.
  • Next Calendar Event Province: Uses the EVENT_LOCATION_GID field to determine the province/state for the next calendar event.
  • Next Calendar Event Province Code: Uses the EVENT_LOCATION_GID field to determine the province code for the next calendar event.
  • Next Calendar Event Postal Code: Uses the EVENT_LOCATION_GID field to determine the postal code for the next calendar event.
  • Next Calendar Event Country Code: Uses the EVENT_LOCATION_GID field to determine the country code for the next calendar event.
  • Next Calendar Event Start Date: This is the Drivers next calendar event start date.
  • Next Calendar Event End Date: This is the Drivers next calendar event end date.

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