Shipment Management

Change Start Time

This page is accessed via:

  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Change Shipment Details > Change Start Time
  • Shipment Management > Group Management > Shipment Group > Actions > Shipment Management > Manage Shipment Groups and Charges > Change Start Time

Note: This action does not appear on the Shipment Actions menu by default. To include it, your Oracle Transportation Management System Administrator must edit the public BUY_SHIPMENT Screen Set and configure the action to appear, or create a copy of the public screen set and make the same action configuration change. Then include the new screen set on a menu.

From a Shipment page, use this action to change the start time for one or more shipments.

From a Shipment Group page, use this action to change the start time for all the shipments included in a specific group. When you run the action, the shipment group's dates will also be changed, and it will take the earliest start date of the shipments as the start date of the shipment group; and the latest end date os the shipments as end date of the shipment group. The action will be performed on all the full shipments of the group or none.

Note: This action is not intended to update the start time on shipments that have voyages. The Change Schedule action should be used for that.

  1. Enter either the Start Date/Time or Start Time Offset for when the selected shipments will start. Only future values are allowed for the date and time. However, the Start Time Offset can have both positive and negative values. To enter a negative value all components (day, hour, minute) of the Start Time Offset field need to be negative. Once a Start Time Offset value is selected, Oracle Transportation Management will calculate the new start time for each shipment by adding or subtracting the value from the existing start time.

    Note: If the new start time for a shipment is in the past, an error occurs for the shipment but Oracle Transportation Management will continue to process the next shipment.

  2. Keep the Fixed check box marked to override previous constraints on original shipment start time. If this check box is not selected the start time will be set to the current time and the Fixed check box on the first stop will not be selected.
  3. If the Reset Order Time Window check box is marked, Oracle Transportation Management finds all order releases and their associated order  bases for the shipment and changes their time window emphasis of these order releases to NONE before attempting to change the start time. This will allow a shipment to still be time-feasible.
  4. Click OK to change the start time.

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