Shipment Management

Select and Change Service Provider

These actions are accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments. Select a shipment, then click Actions at the top of the page.

A service provider is assigned to a shipment when it is planned. The Buy Shipment Manager contains actions for changing the service provider assigned to a shipment. Following are details on two of the actions.

Select and Change Service Provider

This action allows you to change the service provider for one or more shipments by selecting from a list of all service providers. Use this action when you know which service provider you want to assign.

Note: If you change the service provider for a shipment to one that is not valid for that shipment, you receive an error message. You must select another service provider.

Changing Service Provider Page:

  1. Click Find and perform a search for the service provider you want, or enter the name of a service provider in the entry field.
  2. Click OK.

Edit the Service Provider and Cost

This action allows you to enter a different service provider for a shipment and enter a new cost for the shipment at the same time. Use this action when you know which service provider you want to assign and must enter a new shipment cost manually, or for spot rating shipments. If you select a service provider that is not valid, you receive an error.

The Allows Spot Rating check box on the Service Provider manager must be selected or this action will fail.

Note: You can select multiple shipments and update selected shipments with a specific service provider and cost. OTM displays affected shipments and failed shipments in the results page.

Changing Service Provider Page:

  1. Enter a service provider in the Service Provider field. To locate a service provider, click Find and perform a search for the service provider you want, or enter the name manually.
  2. Enter a new cost for the shipment. Enter a value in the Cost field. The cost becomes the Base and Total cost unless you enter additional costs in the Cost grid.
  3. To enter a different currency, select a currency from the drop-down list.
  4. If you want to enter multiple cost lines, populate the Cost grid with the cost details. The new total cost will be the base cost plus any costs entered in the grid.
  5. You can click the Carrier Analysis button to view historic data. This opens the relevant dashboard.

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