Shipment Management

Create Multi-Block Shipment

This action is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments > Actions > Operational Planning > Change Shipment Route > Create Multi-Block Shipment.

This action allows you to combine multiple two-stop shipments into a single multi-stop shipment with multiple equipment. This action supports the multi-block scenario for Rail and other similar scenarios. See Planning a Multi-Block Shipment.

The individual two-stop shipments selected for this action must all have the same Reservation Number. The user must enter an Air/Rail Route Code.  This route code will be used to determine the appropriate rate record for the combined shipment, and will also be used to determine the stop sequence for the combined shipment.  The user-entered Air/Rail Route Code should have the "Unit Train" flag checked, and the stop sequence grid filled out with the relevant stop locations.  (If all of the selected shipments have the same Air/Rail Route Code, then this value will be pre-populated for the action input.)

The resulting multi-block shipment :

  • includes all of the pickup and delivery stops of the input shipments
  • includes all of the equipment from the input shipments.  The equipment will not be consolidated with one another.
  • retains the capacity usage record from the individual two-stop shipments.  This action will not recompute or change the capacity usage records for the equipment.
  • have stops sequenced according to the stop sequence data for the user-entered Air/Rail Route Code
  • uses a rate record that matches the user-entered Air/Rail Route Code.
  • uses a rate record and rate offering that matches the user-entered Air/Rail Route Code.
  • selects the Air/Rail Route Code Fixed check box

Creating a Multi-Block Shipment

  1. Enter the route code in the Air/Rail Route Code field.
  2. Click OK.

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