Shipment Management

Copy Shipment

Creating a shipment copy enables you to quickly create a shipment based on information already defined in an existing shipment or shipment template.

Note: The shipment created using the Copy Shipment action is not a complete copy of the selected shipment. Based on the (reduced) set of data elements that are copied, there are various actions and processes that are not supported when working with a copied version of a shipment. For example, the Copy Shipment action creates a copy that does not contain any related order movements. Any actions or processes that rely on the existence of related order movements will not work on a shipment copy.

Copying from a shipment template builds a new shipment with specific information copied from the template and pre-populated on the new shipment pages.

  1. Search for a shipment or shipment template.
  2. Select the shipment or shipment template on the search results page. You can specify shipment templates on the General tab of the finder.
  3. From the Buy Shipments results page, select Actions > Shipment Management > Utilities > Copy Shipment.
  4. Fill in all required fields and then click Finished.

    Note: When a template is copied, the Template option is automatically cleared.

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