Shipment Management

Recalculate Charges

This action is accessed via Shipment Management > Visibility > Demurrage Transaction. Click Actions.

This action recalculates demurrage transaction charges. Calculation of charges is typically triggered at the end event of a particular demurrage transaction. However, you can also trigger the action without a demurrage transaction end event in order to determine the demurrage liability accrued until a certain date on a particular demurrage transaction.

The recalculation of charges is done based on already determined charge types/demurrage transaction line item chargeable day details.

Calculate Charges has three steps. Recalculate charges only does the third step - calculate charges. If you change the number of days, you need to go back to calculate charges.

Note: This action can only be performed on demurrage transactions with the following statuses: DT_TRANSACTION.DT_TRANSACTION_STARTED or DT_TRANSACTION_ENDED and DT_APPROVAL.DT_APPROVAL_NOT_APPROVED.

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