Shipment Management

Fleet Unassign

This page is accessed via Shipment Manager > Shipment Manager > Buy Shipments. Select Actions > Fleet Management > Fleet Unassign.

Use these actions to unassign either the driver, equipment, equipment type, power unit, or all of these from shipments.

The Fleet Unassign actions check the feasibility of the remaining assigned fleet resources. For example, if a shipment has a driver, power unit, and equipment type assigned, an unassign driver action would also check the equipment type and power unit infeasibilities. If necessary, it would clear the driver related infeasibility codes in the process.

Note: This action will function for CLOSED-DETACHABLE shipments, but not for STATIC or DYNAMIC shipments.

Unassigning an object may cause an infeasibility. For example, the shipment may already be late and you may need to unassign the driver. Even though the shipment will be infeasible, you are able to complete the unassignment. Infeasibilities resulting from rating, service times or compatibility rule checking will not prevent the unassignment. However, there are still scenarios that will prevent the unassignment. For example, if a shipment already has a Sent or Received work invoice, you will not be able to unassign the shipment.

If unassigning a driver:
  • you cannot select records where the driver's next available time (NAT) or next available location (NAL) has been overridden. If the shipment is not the last assignment of the driver or if the driver assignment is committed or dispatched, you will receive a warning, but you will be able to continue.
  • the action will fail if the original continuous move (CM) is valid but the resulting CM would be invalid according to the CM rule.
  • you cannot unassign the driver if there are too many driver assignments after this shipment. The parameter DRIVER ASSIGNMENT MAXIMUM INSERTION DEPTH determines how many shipments can be unassigned. If a driver has 10 shipments assigned and the parameter is set to 5, then only the last 5 shipments can be unassigned.
  • you can unassign a driver if a shipment has only one driver work invoice and its status is VALID_VALID or SENT_NOT_SENT.
  • you can unassign a driver if the shipment has at least one driver work invoice with the status WORK_INVOICE_VALID_REVERSAL.
  • Note: Driver unassign cannot be done if the shipment has at least one SENT or RECEIVED driver work invoice without any REVERSAL driver work invoices.

  • if the equipment, equipment type, or power unit were added to the shipment with the driver, such as in a straight truck scenario, they will also be removed when you unassign the driver.
If unassigning equipment, equipment type, or power unit:
  • from a shipment and the shipment has multiple segments, you are prompted to select the segment from which the equipment/equipment type/power unit needs to be unassigned.
  • from a shipment and the shipment is associated with a kit (driver, power unit, equipment), all elements of the kit will be unassigned as well.
  • from a shipment with an assigned equipment group using combination equipment, all equipment for a leg will be unassigned at the same time
  • When unassigning a power unit, the associated equipment is NOT removed.
  • When unassigning equipment, the associated power unit IS also removed.
  • All stops are NFR.
  • There is no driver assigned.
  • There is no equipment/equipment type assigned.
  • The shipment is not enroute.

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