Shipment Management

Invoice Adjustment Costs

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments and Sell Shipments > Actions > Financials > Invoice > Invoice Adjustment Costs.

When shipments are adjusted, those adjustments must be passed through to carrier invoices. This action performs that process. When a new invoice is created from the Invoice Adjustment Costs action, the shipment's payment method is put onto the new invoice and the shipment costs' payment methods are put on the invoice line items. The Invoice Adjustment Costs action propagates late charges to invoices based on a comparison between shipment costs and carrier invoice line items.

Note: See the glog.settlement.invoice.NegativeAdjustedCostMakesCreditNote property for more information.

You can run this action to adjust amounts on shipments based on a specific invoice rule. This behavior can be controlled with the property glog.invoice.adjustment.useInvoiceBillRule. If the value of the property is true, amounts will be adjusted on invoices based on the rule mentioned. If the value is false, invoices will be created without any rule.

The action does the following:

  1. Confirms that an invoice exists for the shipment.
  2. Selects all shipment costs for the shipment and groups the costs by cost type, accessorial code, general ledger code, payment method and by order/order line IDs.
  3. Selects all related carrier invoice line items and groups them by description, accessorial code, general ledger code, payment method and by order/order line IDs.
  4. Compares the shipment costs against like invoice line items. For each grouped cost that has a difference, an invoice line item is created on the invoice.

    Note: The following conditions cause Oracle Transportation Management to create a new invoice instead of adding a line to the existing invoice:
    - It is a child invoice and its parent is already approved.
    - It is a standard invoice that has been rejected.
    - It is a credit note.
    - It is a standard invoice that's approved and the CREATE NEW INVOICE FOR STANDARD APPROVED ADJUST parameter is set to true.

    If none of the above conditions are met, Oracle Transportation Management adds a line to the invoice.

Adjusting Costs using a Rule

  1. Enter an Invoice/Bill Rule ID to adjust costs based on a specific rule.
  2. Select the Match Rule check box to look up and apply a matching rule to adjust costs.

Note: Whenever shipment costs are modified and the line origin is allocated cost, then you will have to reallocate the shipment costs. This can be performed via the web action or configured as an automation agent.

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