Shipment Management

Merge Shipment Ship Unit

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Change Shipment Details > Merge Shipment Ship Unit.

Use this action to merge the shipment ship units (SSU) (which have same source and destination locations on the shipment leg) to packages based on your selection of SSUs.


You cannot perform this action on the following shipments:

  • A multi-stop shipment which reuses an equipment of this shipment.
  • If order movements with reuse leg for a shipment equipment has multiple source or destination locations i.e., if a shipment equipment is planned for reuse leg then shipment will be a multi-stop shipment.
  • Shipment with 3D load configuration placement.
  • If the shipment was created from a schedule with a type of Dynamic trip or Static trip.

Perform the steps below to merge shipment ship units:

  1. On the Merge Shipment Ship Unit Input page, under the Shipment Ship Unit section, select the ship units you want to merge. This section contains shipment ship unit details such as SSU ID, ship unit count, unit weight and volume, shipment equipment ID, equipment utilization, travel path number, and so on. For example, a shipment has four SSUs (S1, S2, S3, and S4) and you selected S1, S2, and S3 to merge shipment ship units.
    When you expand each shipment ship unit, you can view the shipment ship unit order details such as Order Release ID, Order Release Line ID, Packaged Item ID, Packaged Item Description, Packaged Item Count, and so on.  
  2. You must merge the selected SSUs to one specific SSU. Under the Merge to Shipment Ship Unit section, select the ship unit ID from the Shipment Ship Unit ID drop-down list. For example, you want to merge S1, S2, and S3 to the S1 ship unit. In this case, you will select S1 from the Shipment Ship Unit ID drop-down list.
  3. Click Merge. The selected ship units will be merged to one specific SSU. For example, S1, S2, and S3 will be merged to the S1 ship unit.  

Note: When a SSU is merged, you cannot select it again.

The Merge Details section displays that one specific SSU to which all the selected SSUs will be merged and you can also view the SSUs you selected.


Before you click Continue to view the list of affected shipments:

    • You must select at least two SSUs to merge.
    • All the selected SSUs must have the same Travel Path Number.
    • The Merge to Shipment Ship Unit section is mandatory.
    • You will not be able to select SSUs with ship unit count more than 1.
    • You must specify at least one merge to continue with this action.
  1. Click Continue to view the list of shipments that are affected.

On the Merge Shipment Ship Unit page, OTM displays the Affected Shipments section that contains list of shipments and SSUs that are merged.

  1. If a shipment has an empty equipment, you have the option to delete. Click Delete.
  2. Click Save.

Note: Container optimization is not called for this action, the system uses a different criteria to determine whether you should generate shipment ship unit equipment reference unit records for merged shipment ship units. When the you perform the merge ship unit action, the system will check the following: if all shipment ship units on the shipment have shipment ship unit equipment reference unit records, the system will set the Fixed ERU Count to false and regenerate shipment ship unit equipment reference unit records for the merged shipment ship units.

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