Shipment Management

Remove/Disband from Continuous Move

This page is accessed via Buy Shipment actions (accessed via Shipment Management> Shipment Management > Buy Shipments). Select Operational Planning > Manage Continuous Move.

Select this action to remove one or more shipments from a continuous move. If there are two shipments on a continuous move and you remove one, the move is disbanded. To remove shipments from a continuous move, you must remove the last shipment (the shipment at the end of the move) first. For example, if there are four shipments associated with a move, and you want to remove shipment number 3, you must first remove shipment 4.

  1. Perform a Search for the shipments in the move.
  2. Select Find Related Shipments from the drop-down action list.
  3. Select Continuous move and click OK.
  4. From the grid, click the last shipment in the move.
  5. From the action list, select Remove/Disband from Continuous Move.

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