Shipment Management

Secure Resources

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments or Sell Shipments > Tender > Secure Resources.

This action provides a shortcut for tendering a shipment since it automatically performs the Approve for Execution and Tender Shipment actions for you. For example, when you run this action for a shipment, Oracle Transportation Management approves the shipment for execution and automatically tenders it to a service provider. You can secure resources for shipments with the shipment status type SECURE RESOURCES and the status value NOT_STARTED.

Note: If you do not want both of these actions to occur at one time, use the Approve for Execution action first, then the Tender Shipment. There may be situations when you want to approve a shipment for execution but not tender it immediately. In this case, do not use this action.

Note: If MAX NUMBER OF RETENDERS is set for a shipment, OTM considers the maximum number of retender value set on this parameter. If a shipment is set with a different parameter, OTM considers the MAX_NUM_RETENDERS workflow parameter. 

If the shipment has a service provider associated with it, Oracle Transportation Management tenders the shipment to that service provider; otherwise, Oracle Transportation Management determines which service providers can carry the shipment. From the service providers that meet the requirements for the shipment, Oracle Transportation Management selects the one with the lowest cost, and tenders the shipment.

If a location becomes inactive after the shipment is created, you will not be able to tender the shipment with an inactive stop location.

On the Secure Resources page, you can click the Tender Response / Acceptance Analysis button to view historic data. This opens the relevant dashboard.

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