Shipment Management

Shipment Documents

Access the Reports page via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments > SmartLinks > Shipment Documents.

Use the Shipment Documents page to print a Bill of Lading or Domestic Packing List for a shipment. You must perform the Confirm Shipment Actuals task before printing a shipment document.

  1. Select "Bill of Lading" or "Domestic Packing List" from the Report ID menu.
  2. Enter the ID for the shipment you want. If you access this page from the Shipment Quantities page, the Shipment ID already appears. Alternatively, enter a Start and End Time to find shipments for a specific time period.

    Note: You can only print a bill of lading for shipments whose shipment actuals are confirmed.

  3. Click Get Documents.
  4. Click Run Now in the Print State Column.
  5. Select the print icon.

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