Shipment Management

Shipment Special Services: Metrics

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Shipment Special Services. Select the Metrics tab.

Use this page to edit and/or add new special services identification information for a selected shipment.

Adding Shipment Special Services Metrics Information:

Note: None of the fields on the Metrics tab are required.

  1. Select the Planned Duration Fixed check box to prevent planning actions from overwriting the planned duration.
  2. Enter days/hours/minutes values in the Planned Duration fields to indicate the expected planned duration for the special service(s).
  3. Enter days/hours/minutes values in the Actual Duration fields if you know the actual duration for the special service(s).
  4. Enter the actual date that the special service(s) occurred in the Actual Date/Time field using a month/day/year hours/minutes/seconds format such as Dec.30.2008 15:11:00.
  5. Use the Actual Distance fields to enter a value and unit of measurement (e.g. mi, km, naut mi).
  6. Use the Actual Weight fields to enter a value and unit of measurement (e.g. lb, kg, kip, ton, m ton).
  7. Use the Actual Volume fields to enter a value and unit of measurement (e.g. mtr, cu in, gal, can gal, cu ft, cu yd, cu m).
  8. Enter a value in the Actual Ship Unit Count field.
  9. Enter a value in the Actual Package Count field.
  10. Click Finished if you are finished entering data, or click remarks to move to the Remarks tab.

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