Shipment Management

Shipment Special Services: Identification

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Shipment Special Services. Select the Identification Tab.

Use this page to edit and/or add new special services identification information for a selected shipment.

Adding Shipment Special Services Information:

  1. Enter an existing Shipment ID. If you are editing an existing shipment special service, the Shipment ID field will already display the correct ID.
  2. Enter a special service in the Special Service ID field.
  3. Select the Process As Flow Through check box to copy special service costs from the buy-side to the sell-side during the sell shipment rating process.

    Note: Only buy shipment special service costs related to the order on the sell shipment will be copied.

  4. Use the Adjustment Reason field to record any adjustment reasons that may apply.
  5. Select a completion status from the Completion State drop-down list.
  6. Select a payable indicator from the Payable Indicator Override drop-down list.

    Note: If you fail to make a Payable Indicator Override selection, Oracle Transportation Management will not generate a driver work invoice.

  7. Use the Location drop-down list to select the shipment stop that relates to this special service. The Location drop-down list is populated with the stops that were designated in the Shipment Manager.
  8. In the Special Service Reference section, select a reference qualifier from the Qualifier drop-down list.
  9. Select a business object from the Object ID drop-down list.

    Note: The items on the Object ID drop-down list are determined from the reference qualifier you selected in step 8.

  10. Click Save.
  11. Add as many special service reference qualifiers as you  require. Remember to click Save after making each addition.
  12. Click Finished to conclude entering shipment special services, or click Metrics to move to the Metrics tab.

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