
Approval Summary

This page is accessed via Sourcing > Rate Maintenance > Approval Summary. Enter search criteria and click Search.

In the Search Results section of the Approval Summaries search page, you can view a summary of the uploaded rate offerings and rate records for each approval summary. An approval summary is a rate load group/rate load definition combination. Columns on the Approval Summaries search results page include the following:

Note: If you click on the rate load definition ID link, you see a view page. To edit the rate load definition, go to the Manage Rate Load Definition page.

  • Upload Status: Indicates the status of the last upload.
  • Warning Indicator: Indicates if a gap or overlap exists between the effective and expiration dates of the uploaded rate and its parent rate. Green warning indicator means no warning. Yellow warning indicator means there are gaps or overlaps. To see more details about a warning, go to the Approval Detail page.
  • Uploaded Rate Offerings: Number of uploaded rate offerings for this approval summary. This count is cumulative but only contains the first time each rate offering is uploaded. The count is not updated if a second upload changes the values on a rate offering uploaded previously.
  • Uploaded Rate Records: Number of uploaded rate records for this approval summary. This count is cumulative but only contains the first time each rate record is uploaded. The count is not updated if a second upload changes the values on a rate record uploaded previously.
  • Last Uploaded Date: Date and time of the last upload against this approval summary.
  • Uploaded By: OTM user logged in to OTM when the last spreadsheet was uploaded.
  • Approval Status: Indicates where in the approval process the approval summary is.
  • Approved Rate Offerings: Number of approved rate offerings for this approval summary.
  • Approved Rate Records: Number of approved rate records for this approval summary.

Note: The Approved Rate Offerings or Approved Rate Records counts update when approved but not finalized Rate Offerings or Rate Records are deleted via an uploaded spreadsheet. Rejected rate offering and rate records are not included in the counts.

  • Last Approval Date: Date and time when the actions approve, reject, undo, or finalize are run against a rate offering and/or rate record for this approval summary.
  • Status Changed By: OTM user logged into OTM when the action approval related actions (Approve, Reject, Undo) are run against a rate offering and/or rate record for this approval summary.
  • Domain Name

Delete an Approval Summary

To delete an approval summary select the approval summary row and click Delete (Delete).

To delete an approval summary, the following conditions must be met:

  • Completion status of the approval summary is FINAL
  • None of associated rate records or rate offerings with a status of REJECTED are used as parent rates by other rates.

Oracle Transportation Management also deletes all associated rate records and rate offerings with a status of REJECTED.

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