
Edit a Rate Load Definition

This page is accessed via Sourcing > Rate Maintenance > Manage Rate Load Definition.

The Rate Load Definition page populates based on information pulled from the template rate offering ID specified on the Create Rate Load Definition page. On this page, you can change how this information is presented in the downloaded spreadsheet.

The information is broken down into three or more tabs: header level information on the Rate Load Definition Header tab, rate offering attributes on the Rate Offering Structure tab and rate record attributes on the Rate Record Structure tab(s). There may be up to five tabs containing rate record attributes. The number of tabs depends on how many rate records are associated to the rate offering topic.

Note: If you edit the rate offering and/or rate record templates, you must create a new rate load definition.

Editing a Rate Load Definition

To edit an existing rate load definition:

  1. Enter search criteria or click Search.
  2. Select the row of the rate load definition you want to edit and click the Edit icon.


    Click a rate load definition ID link.
  3. You can edit the information in the following tabs on the Rate Load Definition <ID> page:
    1. Rate Load Definition Header
    2. Rate Offering Structure
    3. Rate Record Structure #
  4. Click Save to save your changes. 
  5. Click Save and Close to save your changes and return to the Rate Load Definition search page.
  6. Click Cancel to ignore any changes and rerun to the Rate Load Definition search page.
  7. You can also click Actions > Multiple Structure Rate Download or Download without Rates.

Rate Load Definition Header Tab

The Rate Load Definition Header tab contains the following information:

  • Template rate offering assigned to this rate load definition
  • Rate record structures included in this rate load definition
  • Involved parties

On the Rate Load Definition Header tab, you can:

Note: You should click Save frequently to commit your changes. When you click Save, the Rate Load Definition page will refresh and return to the Rate Load Definition Header tab.

Rate Load Definition Section

This section summarizes the information entered on the Create Rate Load Definition page.

  • Rate Load Definition ID is a read-only field. This value was specified on the Create Rate Load Definition page and cannot be changed once the rate load definition has been saved.
  • Template Rate Offering ID: Click the link to view the rate offering.

Rate Records Section

A rate record structure and Rate Record Structure # tab is created for each rate record associated to the template rate offering. This table lists all rate record structures included in this rate load definition.

Within this table, you can include/exclude rate record structures from appearing as a tab in the downloaded spreadsheet and reorder the rate record structure tabs.

Note: A maximum of 5 rate record structures are permitted on a rate load definition.

Including/Excluding Rate Record Structure Tabs

  1. Select the Exclude check box to remove a rate record structure from appearing as a tab in the downloaded spreadsheet. All rate record templates are included by default. Once you deselect the Exclude check box for a specific rate record structure that tab is grayed out and cannot be edited.
  2. Click Save.

Reordering Rate Record Structure Tabs

  1. In the Reorder column, click either up or down arrows to move a row up or down to change the position of the rate record structure tab in the downloaded spreadsheet.
  2. Click Save.

Involved Parties Section

You can send notification emails to any contacts listed in the Involved Parties section provided that you select the communication method of EMAIL and an email address is specified on the contact record. Notifications are sent for the following:

Adding an Involved Party

  1. In the Involved Parties grid, select an Involved Party Contact ID from the drop-down list.
  2. Select a Communication Method from the drop-down list.
  3. Select an Involved Party Qualifier ID from the drop-down list.
  4. Click Save to the right of the row.

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