
Editing Rate Offering and Rate Record Attributes

Each row in the grids on either the Rate Offering Structure tab or the Rate Record Structure tab represents a column heading in the downloaded spreadsheet. You can only edit rows on these tabs. You cannot create any new rows since this information is pulled directly from the template rate offering or rate records. The rate load definition displays the name of the column header as it will appear in the downloaded spreadsheet. The rate load definition does not display the values specified in the template rate offering for those fields.

You can edit attributes for both the rate offering and rate record structures including:

Editing Attributes

Note: The Include and Read Only check boxes are not available for mandatory fields such as transaction code, rate offering ID, and rate record ID.

  1. Click Expand to the left of any heading or sub-heading to expand that section.
  2. Click Collapse to collapse the section.
  3. Note the Default Display Name. This field cannot be changed. This is the column name that appears by default in the rate load definition and in the final spreadsheet for this column. To override the default display name in the spreadsheet, use the Display Name field.
  4. To change the default display name, specify a Display Name. The value entered here overrides the value in the Default Display Name field.
  5. The Include check box controls whether a row appears as a column in the downloaded spreadsheet. All rows are included by default.

    Note: If you clear the Include check box, the row will not be included in the downloaded spreadsheet. However, if in the rate offering or rate record template, there is a value in this field, the system uses the value in the template during the upload process.

  6. Select the Read Only check box for this row to be marked as read only in the downloaded spreadsheet. When a row is marked as read only, you see the following in the Excel spreadsheet:
    • A comment of read-only is added at the header level.
    • Header color is changed to light blue (from the default of medium blue).
    • This column in the spreadsheet is not actually read only and the value can be changed. If the value in the spreadsheet is changed, the system ignores the change during the upload process and uses the value in the template rate offering attached to the rate load definition.
    • If you want to lock the spreadsheet, you can do that in Excel, but it is not done by Oracle Transportation Management.
  7. In the Reorder columns, click either Move Up or Move Down arrows to move a row up or down to change the position of the column in the downloaded spreadsheet.

Note: The move up and move down arrows are not available for rate costs since they are pre-sorted.

  1. Click Save to save your changes. When you click Save, the page refreshes and returns to the Rate Load Header Definition tab.
  2. Click Save and Close to save your changes and return to the Rate Load Definition search page.
  3. Click Cancel to ignore any changes and rerun to the Rate Load Definition search page.

Note: You should click Save frequently to commit your changes.

Note: The Include, Ready Only, and Move Up/Move Down options are not available for the certain fields, such as Transaction Code.

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