
Rate Record Structure Tabs

This page is accessed via Sourcing > Rate Maintenance > Manage Rate Load Definition. Edit a rate load definition and click the Rate Record Structure # tab.

A rate record structure is the set of attributes that makes a rate offering unique. The Rate Record Structure tabs include all the fields from the template rate records for which you have entered data plus any fields that default to a value. It also includes all true/false and yes/no fields which default to a value as well. You can edit attributes for both the rate offering and rate record structures. For each template rate record specified on the rate load definition, you see a rate record structure # tab.

Most of the related attributes on the template rate offering and template rate records, such as stop off charges, accessorials, special services, etc. are included in the rate load definition and can be downloaded to the spreadsheet.

Note: If you edit the rate offering and/or rate record templates prior to downloading rates, you must create a new rate load definition.

Note: If you deselect the Include check box, the row will not be included in the downloaded spreadsheet. However, if in the rate offering or rate record template, there is a value in this row or field, then the value in the template is used during the upload process.

Note: The Include and Read Only check boxes are not available for mandatory fields such as transaction code, rate offering ID, and rate record ID.

The Rate Record Structure tab may include the following sections depending on what information is specified on the template rate record. To see details of what is included in the downloaded spreadsheet and tips for uploading the spreadsheet, see Downloaded Rates.


The Attributes section includes fields on the rate record header section of the Lane Info tab and on the Attributes tab of the rate record. In most cases, if a field on either of these tabs of the rate record contains data, they appear in the rate load definition.

All columns listed in the rate load definition have the Include check box selected by default.

To see the actual values for the attributes, click the link near the top of the page to view the rate record. To see details of what is included in the downloaded spreadsheet and tips for uploading the spreadsheet, see Downloaded Rates.

Transaction Code

Transaction Code always appears in the rate load definition and you cannot exclude this column. This field is not a rate record field and does not appear in template rate.

Attributes not Included

The following fields are not included in the rate load definition and will not be included in the downloaded spreadsheet:

  • Active option is not selected during the upload process. It is only selected during the approval process.
  • Domain Name is not available in the rate load definition or the downloaded spreadsheet. Domain is determined during upload either from the GID specified in a column and/or from the domain in which the template rate offering and template rate records are created.
  • Sequence Number is set by OTM and cannot be added or edited manually.

Reference Numbers

This section contains the references numbers specified on the template rate records. For the example, if the rate record associated to the template rate offering has reference numbers specified, then you see a row for each reference number. The default display name is Reference Number Qualifier #.

Note: In the rate offering template, add more reference numbers, remarks, and involved parties than you expect to see in any possible rate. This ensures that any rates you download will contain enough reference numbers, remarks, and involved parties.

To see the actual values for the reference numbers, click the link near the top of the page to view the rate record.

Lane Info

This section contains the geographical hierarchy information specified on the Lane Info and Attributes tabs of template rate records.

To see the actual values for the lane information, click the link near the top of the page to view the rate record.

Stop-off Charges

This section contains the Stop-off Charges specified on the template rate records. For the example, if the template rate offering has stop off charges for the stop 1-3 and 4-6, then you see rows for "Stop off charge 1-3" and "Stop off charge 4-6".

To see the actual values for the stop off charges, click the link near the top of the page to view the rate record.

SMC3 Discounts

This section contains SMC3 discounts as specified on the template rate record. The rate load definition shows the default display name of SMC Discount.

To see the actual values for the SMC3 discounts, click the link near the top of the page to view the rate record and click Edit. The SMC3 discounts are not available on the rate record view page.

NMFC Class Ranges

This section contains NMFC class ranges as specified on the template rate record. The rate load definition shows the default display name of NMFC #.

To see the actual values for the NMFC class ranges, click the link near the top of the page to view the rate record and click Edit. The NMFC grid is not available on the rate offering view page.

Rate Costs

This section contains the Rate Costs (also see Rate Cost Details) as specified on the template rate record. The rate load definition shows the default display name of the rate basis item description. For example, Shipment Total Distance Traveled.

To see the actual rate cost, click the rate basis item description link.

Note: For rate costs with conditions, it is important to provide a unique Display Name to the rate cost so that the system can sort the costs under the correct heading in the downloaded spreadsheet.

Support for Rate Costs

The following are supported for rate costs:

  • The cost types of Charge, Discount, and Profile are the only cost types supported in this version.
  • In the rate load definition, rate costs are pre-sorted as follows:
    • Costs with the same cost type (charge, discount, and profile) are grouped together. Within each group, the rate basis items are sorted in alphabetical order.
    • If a single cost has multiple rate basis items, they are sorted in alphabetical order.
  • All rates basis items (RBIs) are supported.
  • Minimum and maximum charges in the Charge section only.
  • Conditions are supported as described in the Downloaded Rate Costs, Accessorials, and Special Services help topic.
    • You can also include a Charge Sequence in the Options section of the cost condition.


This section contains Accessorials specified on the template rate record. The rate load definition shows the default display name of the accessorial code ID.

To see the accessorial cost details, click the accessorial code ID link. Click Edit to see the edit page.

Special Services

This section contains Special Services on the template rate record. The rate load definition shows the default display name of Special Service ID > Accessorial Code ID.

To see the special service cost details, click on the link of the Accessorial Code ID, you see the Accessorial Cost view page.


This section contains Remarks as defined on a template rate record. The rate load definition shows the default display name of Remark #.

Note: In the rate offering template, add more reference numbers, remarks, and involved parties than you expect to see in any possible rate. This ensures that any rates you download will contain enough reference numbers, remarks, and involved parties.

To see the actual remarks, click the link near the top of the page to view the template rate record.

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