
Rate Offering Structure Tab

This page is accessed via Sourcing > Rate Maintenance > Manage Rate Load Definition. Edit a rate load definition and click the Rate Offering Structure tab.

A rate offering structure is the set of attributes that makes a rate offering unique. The Rate Offering Structure tab of the rate load definition includes all of the fields from the template rate offering for which you have entered data plus any fields that default to a value. It also includes all true/false and yes/no options since they always default to a value. You can edit attributes for both the rate offering and rate record structures.

Most of the related attributes on the template rate offering and template rate records, such as stop off charges, accessorials, special services, etc. will also be included in the rate load definition and can be downloaded to the spreadsheet.

To see the values specified in the template rate offering, click the link near the top of the page.

Note: If you edit the rate offering and/or rate record templates, you must create a new rate load definition.

Note: Click Save frequently to commit your changes. When you click Save, the Rate Load Definition page refreshes and returns to the Rate Load Definition Header tab.

Note: The Include and Read Only check boxes are not available for mandatory fields such as transaction code, rate offering ID, and rate record ID.

The Rate Offering Structure tab may include the following sections depending on what information is specified on the template rate offering. To see details of what is included in the downloaded spreadsheet and tips for uploading the spreadsheet, see Downloaded Rates.

Rate Header

The Rate Header section includes most fields on the Rate Header and Attributes tabs of the rate offering. In most cases, if a field on either the Rate Header or Attribute tabs of the rate offering contain data, they will appear in rate load definition.

All columns listed in the rate load definition have the Include check box selected by default.

Certain fields are included in the rate load definition by default whether or not they pertain to the offering type selected on the rate offering. For example, IATA Region 1, IATA Region 2, and IATA Region 3, which only apply to the rate offering type of AIR, are always included in the rate load definition.


Effective Date and Expiration Date, which appear on the rate offering Header tab, is pulled from the version.

You can either upload rates with an existing rate version or create a new version via the uploaded spreadsheet. The following rows are available for version:

  • Version
  • Rate Version Name
  • Effective Date and Expiration Date (These dates are always in the UTC time zone.)

Note: You cannot use the spreadsheet to edit an existing rate version.

Transaction Code

Transaction Code always appears in the rate load definition and you cannot exclude this column. This field is not a rate offering field and does not appear in template rate.

Rate Offering Fields not Included in the Rate Load Definition


The following fields are not included in the rate load definition and will not be included in the downloaded spreadsheet:

  • Offering Type cannot be changed during the upload process.
  • Template option is primarily used for Oracle Transportation Sourcing.
  • Read Only option is internally selected by the upload process and then internally deselected by the approval process.
  • Active option is not selected during the upload process. It is only selected during the approval process.
  • Domain Name is not available in the rate load definition or the downloaded spreadsheet. Domain is determined during upload either from the GID specified in a column and/or from the domain in which the template rate offering and template rate records are created.
  • Sequence Number is set by OTM and cannot be added or edited manually.

Other Information

Data entered on the following rate offering tabs are not available in the rate load definition and will not be included in the downloaded spreadsheet.

However, if values are available on these tabs in the template rate offering, Oracle Transportation Management copies the values to the uploaded rate offering.

The following fields from the Continuous Move Rule Data tab on the rate offering are included in the Rate Header section of the rate load definition. If values are entered in any of these fields in the template rate offering, Oracle Transportation Management copies the values to the uploaded rate offering.

  • Max Number of Shipments
  • Use Same Equipment
  • Percent of Empty Cost Applied to Previous Shipment

Stop-off Charges

This section contains the Stop-off charges specified on the Attributes tab of the template rate offering. For example, if the template rate offering has stop off charges for the stop 1-3 and 4-6, then you see rows for "Stop off charge 1-3" and "Stop off charge 4-6".

To see the actual values for the stop off charges, click the link near the top of the page to view the template rate offering. To see details of what is included in the downloaded spreadsheet and tips for uploading the spreadsheet, see Downloaded Rates.

SMC3 Discounts

This section contains the Discounts (SMC3 discounts) as specified on the template rate offering. The rate load definition shows the default display name of SMC Discount.

To see the actual values for the SMC3 discounts, click the link near the top of the page to view the template rate offering and click Edit. The SMC3 discounts are not available on the rate offering view page. To see details of what is included in the downloaded spreadsheet and tips for uploading the spreadsheet, see Downloaded Rates.

NMFC Class Ranges

This section contains the NMFC ranges as specified on the template rate offering. The rate load definition shows the default display name of NMFC #.

To see the actual values for the NMFC class ranges, click the link near the top of the page to view the template rate offering and click Edit. The NMFC grid is not available on the rate offering view page. To see details of what is included in the downloaded spreadsheet and tips for uploading the spreadsheet, see Downloaded Rates.


This section contains the Accessorials specified on the template rate offering. The rate load definition shows the default display name of the accessorial code ID.

To see the accessorial cost details, click the accessorial code ID link. Click Edit to see the details of the cost. To see details of what is included in the downloaded spreadsheet and tips for uploading the spreadsheet, see Downloaded Rate Costs, Accessorials, and Special Services.

Special Services

This section contains the special services as defined on the template rate offering. The rate load definition shows the default display name of Special Service ID > Accessorial Code ID. If you click on the link of the Accessorial Code ID, you see the Accessorial Cost view page.

To see details of what is included in the downloaded spreadsheet and tips for uploading the spreadsheet, see Downloaded Rate Costs, Accessorials, and Special Services.

Involved Parties

This section contains the Involved Parties as defined on the template rate offering. The rate load definition shows the default display name of Involved Party #.

Note: In the rate offering template, add more reference numbers, remarks, and involved parties than you expect to see in any possible rate. This ensures that any rates you download will contain enough reference numbers, remarks, and involved parties.

To see the actual involved party details, click the link near the top of the page to view the template rate offering. To see details of what is included in the downloaded spreadsheet and tips for uploading the spreadsheet, see Downloaded Rates.


This section contains the Remarks as defined on the template rate offering. The rate load definition shows the default display name of Remark #.

Note: In the rate offering template, add more reference numbers, remarks, and involved parties than you expect to see in any possible rate. This ensures that any rates you download will contain enough reference numbers, remarks, and involved parties.

To see the actual remarks, click the link near the top of the page to view the template rate offering. To see details of what is included in the downloaded spreadsheet and tips for uploading the spreadsheet, see Downloaded Rates.

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