
Downloaded Rate Costs, Accessorials, and Special Services

You can specify rate costs and costs on both accessorials and special services. This topic reviews how costs are downloaded to the spreadsheet and then uploaded to Oracle Transportation Management. For details on the other sections in the downloaded spreadsheet, see Downloaded Rates.

Display Precision for Currency Fields

During the downloading and uploading of rates, currency fields display in the precision set in the following properties: glog.currency.displayPrecision<CurrencyGID> and glog.currency.displayPrecision. If precision for a specific currency is specified, it will be used; otherwise, the value for glog.currency.displayPrecision will be used.


Finding Cost Information

Cost information is found in two locations in the downloaded spreadsheet:

  1. The rate offering structure or rate record structure worksheets contain cost information found in the Charge section of the rate cost and accessorial cost pages.
    • Columns included for each rate cost charge are grouped under the column headings Rate Costs and <Rate Cost Operand>.
    • Columns included for each accessorial are grouped under the column headings Accessorials and <Accessorial Code ID>.
    • For a list of possible columns depending on cost type, see Cost Types.
  2. The Cost Parameters worksheet contains cost information found in the Conditions, Options, and Miscellaneous sections of the rate cost and accessorial cost pages.
  • Cost conditions for all costs are grouped under the column heading Conditions.
  • Columns found in the Options section are listed under the column heading Options.
  • Columns found in the Miscellaneous section are listed under the column heading Miscellaneous.

Cost Parameter ID

For each rate or accessorial cost in the rate record structure and rate offering structure, you see a Cost Parameter ID column which contains a generated cost parameter ID. The cost parameter ID is used to link the details of each rate or accessorial cost (on the Cost Parameters worksheet) to costs in the other worksheets to which it applies. For example, the Cost Parameter ID of "Cost Parameter 3" will have entries both on the Rate Record Structure tab where you will see the charge information and on the Costs Parameters worksheet where you will see values in the columns under the Options and Miscellaneous headings.

You can create your own cost parameter row with a valid ID to use during upload. Define the new ID on the Cost Parameter sheet and specify the ID in the Cost Parameter ID columns for any rate costs or accessorial cost to which it applies.

Cost parameters that are not used by any rows in the spreadsheet can be included and they are just ignored.

The cost parameter ID is generated for each unique cost and is in one of two formats:

  • Template Cost Parameter <sequence number> for rate costs and accessorial costs coming from the rate offering or rate record templates and
  • Cost Parameter <sequence number> for rate costs and accessorial costs coming from the downloaded rates.


  • A single cost parameter ID can be linked to multiple rate records or rate offerings. If the costs on the downloaded rate record or rate offering are the same as any of the costs on the template rate record or downloaded rates, a new cost parameter ID is not generated. The cost parameter on the template rate record or rate offering takes precedence over the cost parameter present on the rate record cost or accessorial cost. The cost parameter ID on the rate record or rate offering is updated with the existing cost parameter ID.
  • You can edit the cost parameter ID to a user-friendly ID. However, you must then search for all of the old cost parameter IDs and replace them with the new cost parameter IDs in the entire spreadsheet. This is important because the cost parameter ID in the rate costs and accessorial costs on the rate record structure or rate offering structure tab must match those on the Cost Parameters sheet.
  • When a cost parameter ID is included in the Cost Parameters sheet and on any of the rate offering or rate record structure sheets, the columns pertaining to Conditions, Options and Miscellaneous sections of the cost are updated based on values provided in the spreadsheet for the cost parameter ID.
  • If you change the cost parameter ID specified in the cost section of the rate to any cost parameter ID present in the Cost Parameter sheet, then the cost is updated with the values provided in the Cost Parameter sheet.
  • If the cost parameter ID specified for the cost does not match a valid row on the Cost Parameters sheet, an error row is created in the failed rates spreadsheet.
  • If the cost parameter ID for the cost in the rate offering or rate record structure tabs is not specified (left blank), then no conditions, options, or miscellaneous options are added to the rate.


The spreadsheet may contain Accessorials as included in the rate load definition. Accessorials may appear in the rate offering structure and the rate record structure tabs.

Note: You cannot update accessorial costs!


See Finding Cost Information for more details about where to find what cost data in the downloaded spreadsheet.


If a rate offering has multiple accessorials with identical accessorial codes, but different accessorial costs IDs, only 1 cost is downloaded. For example, if you have the following accessorial code and accessorial costs on the rate offering or rate record:

Accessorial Code

Accessorial Cost


COST-1 ($10 per shipment)


COST-2 ($20 per 1,000 shipment distance traveled)


COST-3 ($1 per ship unit)

then, in the downloaded spreadsheet for each accessorial code/accessorial cost combination, you see the same cost type and cost downloaded. In this example, you see $10 per shipment for each accessorial cost.


  • If the accessorial code specified in the spreadsheet does not exist, OTM creates a new accessorial code ID and accessorial cost based on the values in the uploaded spreadsheet.
  • Add existing accessorial costs IDs to existing rates or new rates. To do this, enter the existing accessorial cost ID in the accessorial cost column on the spreadsheet. You cannot update the accessorial cost! OTM ignores any new values in the spreadsheet upon upload if the accessorial cost is active.
  • Create a new accessorial cost ID and add it to existing rates or new rates. To do this, enter values in the accessorial cost columns including the Accessorial Cost ID column. If you leave the Accessorial Cost ID column blank, the ID is automatically generated.
  • If you leave a cost column blank or change the basis column to blank in the spreadsheet, Oracle Transportation Management removes the accessorial cost if that cost is inactive.
  • Oracle Transportation Management creates an inactive accessorial cost when a new accessorial is created. The Active option on the accessorial cost is not selected.

Generation of Accessorial Cost IDs

Oracle Transportation Management generates accessorial cost IDs as follows depending on if they are associated with a rate offering or a rate record.

Note: If the generated ID exceeds the maximum allowed characters (which is 50), Oracle Transportation Management shortens the rate offering ID portion.

Rate Offering Accessorial Costs


When you upload a new accessorial cost on a rate offering, Oracle Transportation Management creates the accessorial cost ID as follows: "rate offering ID -AC- a random number". For example, if a rate offering ID is TEST ACCESSORIAL COST, the new accessorial cost ID is TEST ACCESSORIAL COST-AC-01.

Accessorial Cost Assigned to a Special Service

When you upload a new accessorial cost as part of a special service on a rate offering, Oracle Transportation Management generates the accessorial cost ID as follows: "rate offering ID-SS-AC-a random number". For example, if a rate offering ID is TEST ACCESSORIAL COST, the new accessorial cost ID is TEST ACCESSORIAL COST-SS-AC-11.

Rate Record Accessorial Costs


When you upload a new accessorial cost on a rate record, Oracle Transportation Management generates the accessorial cost ID as follows: "rate record ID –AC- a random number". This random number is between 1 and 99999. For example, if a rate record ID is RR TEST ACCESS, the new accessorial cost ID is RR TEST ACCESS-AC-22.

Accessorial Cost Assigned to a Special Service

When you upload a new accessorial cost as part of a special service on a rate offering, Oracle Transportation M generates the accessorial cost ID as follows: "rate record ID-SS-AC-a random number". For example, if a rate record ID is RR2 ACCESSORIAL COST, the new accessorial cost ID is RR2 ACCESSORIAL COST-SS-AC-33.

Special Services

The spreadsheet may contain special services as included in the rate load definition. Special services may appear in the rate offering structure and the rate record structure tabs.

Note: You cannot update accessorial costs assigned to a special service!


See Finding Cost Information for more details about where to find what cost data in the downloaded spreadsheet.

If you download an existing rate offering, OTM compares the special service ID and accessorial code ID on the rate load definition with those on the rate you are downloading. If they are identical, the cost is downloaded. If they are not identical, no cost is downloaded to the spreadsheet.

Columns included for each special service are grouped under the column headings Special Services, <Special Service Code ID>, and <Accessorial Code ID>. For a list of possible columns depending on cost type, see Cost Types.


If a rate offering has multiple special services with identical accessorial codes, but different accessorial costs IDs, only 1 cost is downloaded. For the special services, let's look at two examples:

Special Service Code

Accessorial Code

Accessorial Cost












  1. The special services, SS1 and SS2, have the same accessorial code but different accessorial costs. They are downloaded as expected with 2 different costs because the special service codes are different.
  2. However, SS3 has two identical accessorial codes and different accessorial costs. In this case, only one type of cost is downloaded.


  • For special services you can update cost-related values. You cannot update or create a new special service ID.
  • If you leave all cost columns blank for a special service in the spreadsheet, Oracle Transportation Management removes the removes the special service.
  • You can create, edit, or delete the accessorial on a special service if the special service and accessorial code IDs available on the template rate offering/rate record match the special service and accessorial code IDs on the uploaded rate offering/rate record. For details, see Upload under Accessorial Cost.

Rate Costs

The spreadsheet may contain the Rate Costs (also see Rate Cost Details) as included in the rate load definition. Rate costs appear on the rate record structure tabs. You can also specify costs in accessorials costs which are assigned to accessorial code and special service IDs.

Note: You cannot update active rates! Any rate offerings or rate records which have the Active check box selected are not updated. If you upload changes to an existing, active rate offering or rate record, the upload will fail.

However, you can add new rate records to an existing, active rate offering.



See Finding Cost Information for more details about where to find what cost data in the downloaded spreadsheet.


To ensure that rate costs are always displayed in the same order for each download, they are sorted based on rate basis items and conditions in alphabetical order as follows:

  • Costs with the same cost type (charge, discount, and profile) are grouped together. Within each group, the rate basis items are sorted in alphabetical order.
  • If a single cost has multiple rate basis items, they are sorted in alphabetical order.
  • For conditions, the rate basis items are sorted in alphabetical order.

Note: When the cost type, rate basis items, and the rate basis items on the conditions are all identical, they are sorted first by conditional attributes and then by the effective and/or expiration date.



If you insert a new rate record, OTM creates all costs that have the values entered in the spreadsheet.

If you update an existing rate record, OTM deletes all the existing costs and creates new costs based on the values in the spreadsheet.

See Upload under Finding Cost Information above.

Density-Related Rate Basis Items

For the density-related rate basis items, the downloaded spreadsheet contains the Unit value (for example 1) in the Unit of Measure column. The unit, 1, should be in the Unit column instead. Before upload you need to update the spreadsheet or the upload fails. The density RBIs include the following:

  • Stop Ship Unit Line Item Density,
  • Ship Unit Line Item Density,
  • Ship Unit Selected Net Density,
  • Order Line Item Density,
  • Stop Density (aggregate density calculated by total weight/total volume), etc.

Before upload, complete the following for each density related RBI or the upload will fail:

  1. Move the value in the Unit of Measure column to the Unit column.
  2. Enter a value in the Unit Of Measure column for example, LB/CUFT.


You can download and upload rate costs including base rate costs and accessorial/special service costs with conditions.


Conditions specified on the rate cost are included in the downloaded spreadsheet in two locations:

  • On the Cost Parameters sheet you see the details of all cost conditions (named cost parameters in the worksheet) from the rate record template and/or the downloaded rate records.
  • Cost Parameter ID column on each rate record structure tab.

Note: Cost Parameter ID values can be translated.

Download Without Rates

When downloading without rates, you only see the conditions from the rate record template.

Download Rates

When downloading with rates either via Download Rates or Multiple Structure Rate Download, you see the conditions from both the rate records template and the downloaded rate record. In the Cost Parameters worksheet, the rate record template conditions are displayed first, followed by the conditions of the selected rates.


See Upload under Finding Cost Information above.

Cost Types


If the cost type on the rate record is Charge, then the following columns are included in the downloaded spreadsheet:

  • Basis
  • Amount
  • Currency
  • Unit
  • Unit of measure
  • Percentage
  • Basis2
  • Unit2
  • Unit of measure2
  • Minimum cost
  • Minimum cost currency
  • Maximum cost
  • Maximum cost currency

Note: The structure of the template rate offering and rate records must match the rates you are downloading! If they do not match, data may be lost.


If the cost type on the rate record is Profile, then the following columns are included in the downloaded spreadsheet:

  • Selector1
  • Selector2
  • Basis
  • Amount
  • Currency
  • Unit
  • Unit of measure
  • Percentage
  • Basis2
  • Unit2
  • Unit of measure2
  • Minimum cost
  • Minimum cost currency
  • Maximum cost
  • Maximum cost currency

Rate Unit Break

For each of the rate unit breaks specified on the rate record, the following columns are included in the downloaded spreadsheet:

  • Amount
  • Currency
  • Discount
  • Minimum cost
  • Minimum cost currency
  • Maximum cost
  • Maximum cost currency

Note: The structure of the template rate offering and rate records must match the rates you are downloading! If they do not match, then data may be lost.


If the cost type on the rate record is Discount, then the following columns are included in the downloaded spreadsheet:

  • Discount
  • Minimum cost
  • Minimum cost currency
  • Maximum cost
  • Maximum cost currency

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