
Download Failed Rates Action

This action is accessed via Sourcing > Rate Maintenance > Approval Summary. Search for an approval summary and right-click on a row and select View Upload History. Select a row and click Actions > Download Failed Rates. Click Done on the results page to return to the Upload History page.

To troubleshoot an upload status of PARTIALLY_SUCCESSFUL or FAILED, download the failed rates spreadsheet. The failed rates spreadsheet includes rate offerings or rate records which were not saved to the database due to failed validation checks, SQL exceptions, etc.

Reading the Spreadsheet

The failed rate offerings and rate records appear in the same row as they did in the originally uploaded spreadsheet. This allows you to compare your original spreadsheet to the failed rates spreadsheet. All successfully uploaded rows are hidden and blank. For example, if you uploaded 20 rate records and the first 15 rows were successful while the last 5 rows failed, you only see 5 rows in the failed rates spreadsheet. The first failed row will be row 16. If you show all hidden rows, you see that rows 1-15 are blank. The failed rates appear starting in row 16.

For any failed rate offerings and rate records, you see error information in two places in the failed rates spreadsheet:

  1. An error message in the last column of each tab.
  2. A comment in the cell with the error.

Error Column

For any failed rate offerings and rate records, an error message is added in the last column at the end of each tab. This column contains an error such as:

  • Invalid transaction code
  • Failed to process this row due to validation errors

Note: When you see this message, scan the entire row to locate the cell with the bad data. The bad value has a cell comment as explained below.

  • Oracle Transportation Management cannot process the rate offering. You must specify an existing rate offering GID when using a transaction code of D.
  • Oracle Transportation Management cannot process the rate record. You must specify an existing rate offering GID to which the new rate record can be associated.

Cell Comments

For rate offerings and rate records which failed with a "Failed to process this row due to validation errors" error in the error column, the reason for the error is displayed as a cell comment. Some examples of cell comments are:

  • Missing data for mandatory column transportModeGid.
  • Data Type Mismatch per_stop_cost.
  • You must enter a charge amount.
  • You must enter a valid unit of measure for the charge amount.

Uploading the Spreadsheet

You can correct the errors in the spreadsheet and upload the corrected failed rates spreadsheet.

Let's take the previous example of uploading 20 rate records where the first 15 rows were successful and the last 5 rows failed. First, you fix the errors in rows 16-20. Then, you upload the edited failed rates spreadsheet. OTM will not process the first 15 empty rows (which were successful in the previous upload), but it will process the five corrected rows.

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