
Approval Summaries Detail Workbench

This workbench layout is accessed as follows:

  1. Navigate to Sourcing > Rate Maintenance > Approval Summary. Enter search criteria and click Search.
  2. Select Always Open in New Window so that the approval summary page opens in a pop-up window.
  3. Right-click on a row in the search results and select View Approval Details. The APPROVAL_SUMMARY_DETAIL workbench layout open in a pop-up window.

Approval Summaries Tab

The Approval Summaries tab is a workbench master table and displays similar information to the Approval Summary page. This includes the rate load definition ID and rate load group ID to which these approval details pertain.

When you select an approval summary, the Rate Load Rate Offerings tab updates to list the rate offerings uploaded for the rate load group/rate load definition combination listed in the approval summary table. When you select a rate offering, the Rate Load Rate Records table updates to list only those rate records uploaded for the selected rate offering.

You can run the Approval Summary/Detail actions of Approve All, Approve Only New, Finalize All, Mark for Purge, Reject All, and Undo All actions on any row in the grid.

Rate Load Upload History Tab

Click on the grayed out Rate Load Upload History tab to see a workbench table listing the uploads for the rate load group/rate load definition combination listed in the approval summary table.

In the Rate Upload History table, you see the following information:

  • ID: A sequence number which tracks each upload. There can be numerous upload IDs for each approval summary.
  • Upload Status
  • Uploaded By: OTM user logged into OTM when the spreadsheet was uploaded.
  • Upload Date: Date and time of the upload.


You can run the Download Uploaded Spreadsheet and Download Failed Rates actions on any row in the grid.

Effective Dates of Parent and Child Rates

You see a warning if there is an overlap/gap between the effective and/or expiration dates of the uploaded rate and the parent rate.

Note: Rates are uploaded even if these warnings occur. So while you can ignore these warning, you may see unpredictable/undesired results when rating OTM shipments.

  • OVERLAP: If any of the effective date/expiration date of the uploading rate falls in the time window of the parent, then the same will be treated as an OVERLAP.
    • The effective date of the child rate is before the effective date of the parent rate.
    • The effective date of the child rate is before the expiration date of the parent rate.
    • The expiration date of the child rate is before the effective date of the parent rate.
    • The expiration date of the child rate is before the expiration date of the parent rate.
  • GAP: If the gap between the expiration date of the parent rate and the effective date of the currently uploading child rate is more than a day.

Rate Load Rate Offerings Tab

The Rate Load Rate Offerings is a workbench table listing the rate offerings uploaded for approval summary selected in the Approval Summaries tab. 

In the Rate Load Rate Offering tab, you see the following information:

  • Rate Offering ID: ID of the rate offering. Click the link to view the rate offering in view mode. You can only view the rate offering since it is read-only. The rate offering remains read-only until the approval process is complete and the status changes to FINAL.

Tip: Once rates are finalized (the Active option is selected and the Read Only option is deselected), you can use the Rate Offering ID link to review the rates.

  • Approval Status: Indicates where in the approval process an uploaded rate offering is.
  • Warning Indicator: Indicates if a gap or overlap exists between the effective and expiration dates of the upload rate and its parent rate. Green warning indicator means no warning. Yellow warning indicator means there are gaps or overlaps. Click on a yellow warning indicator to see to a pop-up with the details of the warning.
  • Last Upload Date: Date and time of the last upload of the rate offering.
  • Uploaded By: OTM user logged into OTM when the rate offering was last uploaded.
  • Last Approval Date: Date and time when an approval related action (Approve, Reject, Undo) was run for this rate offering.
  • Status Changed By: OTM user logged into OTM when an approval related action (Approve, Reject, Undo) was last run for this rate offering.
  • Total Rate Records: Indicates the total number of successfully uploaded rate records for this rate offering.
  • Approved Rate Records: Indicates the number of approved rate records for this rate offering.


You can run the rate offering actions of Approve All, Approve Only New, Reject All, and Undo All actions on any row in the grid. You can also run the View Version History action.

Rate Load Rate Records

The Rate Load Rate Records is a workbench table listing the rate records uploaded for the rate offering selected in the Rate Load Rate Offerings tab.

In the Rate Load Rate Offering tab, you see the following information:

  • Rate Record ID: ID of the rate record. Click the link to view the rate record in view mode. You can only view the rate record since it is read-only. The rate record remains read-only until the approval process is complete and the status changes to FINAL.

Tip: Once rates are finalized (the Active option is selected and the Read Only option is deselected), you can use the Rate Record ID link to review the rates.

  • Approval Status: Indicates where in the approval process an uploaded rate record is.
  • Warning Indicator: Indicates if a gap or overlap exists between the effective and expiration dates of the uploaded rate and its parent rate. Green warning indicator means no warning. Yellow warning indicator means there are gaps or overlaps. Click on a yellow warning indicator to see to a pop-up with the details of the warning.
  • Last Uploaded Date: Date and time of the last upload of the rate record.
  • Uploaded By: OTM user logged into OTM when the rate record was last uploaded.
  • Last Approval Date: Date and time when an approval related action (Approve, Reject, Undo) was run for this rate record.
  • Status Changed By: OTM user logged into OTM when an approval related action (Approve, Reject, Undo) was last run for this rate record.


You can run the rate record actions of Approve, Reject, and Undo actions on any row in the grid. You can also run the View Version History action.

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