
Create a Rate Load Definition

This page is accessed via Sourcing > Rate Maintenance > Manage Rate Load Definition

A rate load definition is the first step of the rate maintenance process. The rate load definition defines the content and format of the spreadsheet to be used for rate loading. For download, the rate load definition allows you to specify how you want both the rate offering and rate record attributes to appear in the downloaded Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. See Rate Maintenance Overview and Rate Maintenance Process Flow.


The template rate offering and its related rate records provide the structure for the rate load definition. This can be an existing rate offering or one that has been created for this purpose.

Note: You should never update a rate used as a rate offering or rate record template. It is best to use an inactive rate as the rate cannot change once assigned to the rate load definition. If you change a rate that is used as a rate offering or rate record template, you must create a new rate load definition.

Note: You can select the Template option on the rate offering. This can help you when searching for rate offerings to use as a template rate offering, but it is not required for the rate maintenance process.

Template Rate Offering

The template rate offering and template rate records provide the super set of columns possible for the rate load definition as well as default values. The template rate offering can be an existing, inactive rate offering or one specifically created for the rate maintenance process.

Tip: Use an inactive rate as the rate cannot change once assigned to the rate load definition.

Tip: Select the Template check box on the rate offering for easier identification.

Creating a New Rate Load Definition

Create a new rate load definition as the first step in creating new Oracle Transportation Management rates.

Note: Only 5 associated rates records are supported in a single rate load definition. If a template rate offering is associated to more than 5 template rate records, you see an error message. To fix it, choose a template rate offering with 5 or fewer template rate records.

Note: The maximum number (5) of template rate records does not indicate how many rates you can download in the spreadsheet. For any spreadsheet, you can download thousands of rates.

  1. Click Create or New icon (New).
  2. In the Rate Load Definition ID field, enter an ID up to 50 characters.
  3. Optionally, enter a description.
  4. Select a domain name. The domain name defaults to the domain to which you are logged into the system.
  5. Enter a template rate offering ID. The template rate offering and its related rate records provide the structure for the rate load definition:
    1. Enter the exact ID of the an existing rate offering.

    2. Click Search or find icon (Find). 
  6. Click Save and Continue to see the details page.
  7. Click Cancel to return to the search page.

Next, edit the rate load definition to control the rate offering and rate record attributes downloaded to the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

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