Configuration and Administration

glog.mergerule Properties

To control the behavior of Oracle Transportation Management, you can change settings in the file or the appropriate property set.


New in Version




You can set this property to determine which key fields are used to check for duplicates when merging/applying templates during creating order releases and freight forwarding, and then to merge accordingly. This compares the involved party. The values that can be entered for this property include:

  • involved_party_qual_gid
  • involved_party_contact_gid
  • contact_gid

One, two or all of the above can be entered for comparison. Previously exact duplicates were suppressed (and not merged). Now duplicates can be suppressed even if the involved party is different.

If the property is not set, all primary key fields are compared.

Note: This property does not display in the properties servlet by default. It must be added manually.



You can set this property to determine which key fields will be used to check for duplicates when merging/applying templates during creating order releases and freight forwarding, and then to merge accordingly. This compares the order release reference number. The values that can be entered for this property include:

  • order_release_refnum_qual_gid
  • order_release_refnum_value

Either or both of the above can be entered for comparison.

If the property is not set, all primary key fields are compared.

Note: This property does not display in the properties servlet by default. It must be added manually.



You can set this property to determine which key fields will be used to check for duplicates when merging/applying templates during creating items, and then to merge accordingly. This compares the item classification.

Note: Product Classification Code, Product Classification Notes, Status, Expiration Date, and Approver Notes are overridden with corresponding values from the template (provided that the user does not specify Product Classification Codes related to chapter 98 or 99 on the item template when the Product Classification Type belongs to HS classification category).

The value that has to be entered for this property include:

  • gtm_prod_class_type_gid

If the property is not set, all primary key fields are compared.



You can set this property to determine which key fields will be used to check for duplicates when merging/applying templates during creating items, and then to merge accordingly. This compares the item description and it is overridden based on the language id. The value that can be entered for this property is:

  • gtm_language_gid

If the property is not set, all primary key fields are compared.



You can set this property to determine which key fields will be used to check for duplicates when merging/applying templates during creating items, and then to merge accordingly. This compares the unit of measurement conversion. Conversion Rate is overridden based on the combination of values in the From UOM Code and To UOM Code fields. The values that can be entered for this property include:

  • from_uom_code
  • to_uom_code

Either or both of the above can be entered for comparison.

If the property is not set, all primary key fields are compared.



You can set this property to determine which key fields will be used to check for duplicates when merging/applying templates during creating items, and then to merge accordingly. This compares the item export license number while overriding export license related details. The value that can be entered for this property is:

  • license_number

If the property is not set, all primary key fields are compared.



You can set this property to determine which key fields will be used to check for duplicates when merging/applying templates during creating items, and then to merge accordingly. This compares the item remark. The values that can be entered for this property include:

  • remark_qual_gid
  • remark_text

Either or both of the above can be entered for comparison.

If the property is not set, all primary key fields are compared.



You can set this property to true to completely avoid merging of product classification information from item template to item.

Default: True

Note: You can, however, run the Apply Product Classification Template action on an item to merge the product classification related details from a template to the item.



You can set this property to determine which field values on the template should not be copied to the items being created when merging/applying templates. This is applied for item description. The values that have to be entered for this property include:

  • item_gid
  • seq_no

If the property is not set, the field value will be copied.



You can set this property to determine which field values on the template should not be copied to the items being created when merging/applying templates. This is applied for unit of measurement conversion. The values that have to be entered for this property include:

  • gtm_item_gid
  • guic_seq_num

If the property is not set, the field value will be copied.



You can set this property to determine which field values on the template should not be copied to the items being created when merging/applying templates. This is applied for item export license. The values that have to be entered for this property include:

  • item_gid
  • sequence_no

If the property is not set, the field value will be copied.



You can set this property to determine which field values on the template should not be copied to the items being created when merging/applying templates. This is applied for item remark. The values that have to be entered for this property include:

  • item_gid
  • remark_sequence

If the property is not set, the field value will be copied.


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