Configuration and Administration

glog.order Properties

To control the behavior of Oracle Transportation Management, you can change settings in the file or the appropriate property set.



New in Version



whole number


Indicates number of release instructions that can be processed at one time.

Default: 10000


True; False


If this property is set to  true and when you add a new order release line, the system checks the item effective or expiration date against the order's early pickup date. If early pickup date on the order is before item effective date or after item expiration date, the system sets the order release PLANNING status to status type ITEM OUT OF DATE.

Default: false


Valid involved party qualifier

5.5 CU3

Determines which involved party qualifier will identify the owner of the order. This enables you to manage 'customer' specific rates using involved party qualifiers.

An involved party qualifier is associated with a location, which can be a customer. A customer can be associated with a corporation profile. A corporation profile may be associated with a rate offering or itinerary so this property can affect rating.

For example, say you set this to ORDEROWNER. When an order has an involved party qualifier of ORDEROWNER, the rate offerings and itineraries which have corporation profiles compatible with the involved party location will be valid for rating.

When an order has as an involved party qualifier of ORDEROWNER and the rate offerings and itineraries do not have corporation profiles (no constraints), it will be valid for rating.

If the order has no involved party qualifier, and the rate offerings and itineraries do not have corporation profiles, the order will again be valid for rating.

If there is an involved party qualifier and the rate offering and itineraries have corporation profiles that are not compatible, rating will not occur.



True; False

5.5 CU3

Note: When TRUE, it is compatible with Oracle Transportation Management releases prior to 5.5.CU3. When it is FALSE, it uses the new CUSTOMER concept differentiating a customer from a domain.

When TRUE, ItineraryCorporationRule, RateOfferingCorporationRule, and RateGeoCorporationRule will pass if there is a corporation profile defined on Itinerary or Rate Offering but there is no ORDEROWNER on Order or no customer entered from Rate Inquiry/International Rate Inquiry.

When this property is set to FALSE, ItineraryCorporationRule, RateOfferingCorporationRule, and RateGeoCorporationRule will fail if there is a corporation profile defined on Itinerary or Rate Offering but there is no ORDEROWNER on Order or no customer entered from Rate Inquiry/International Rate Inquiry.


True; False


When set to TRUE, user will be asked to select a template when creating a new order base.

Default: FALSE


True; False


This property controls whether to set an Order Release's Known Shipper flag based on its Order Base's SHIPPER Involved Party Locations.  

Default: true

Note: Known Shipper is generally used in airline industry.  If you're not using this logic, turning off this property may improve performance of Order Release creation and update.


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