View Voyage by Stowage Mode

This page is accessed via:

  • Operational Planning > Schedule Management > Charter Voyage > Actions
  • Shipment Management > Group Management > Consols > Actions

Use this action to view latest capacity usages and allocations for a charter voyage based on the capacities defined on the consols associated with the voyage as well as the orders that have been booked on the voyage. This is a charter voyage action.

Note: Before you can run this action, you must have created consols for the charter voyage with defined capacity.

The top of the page displays summary data for the charter voyage and the date/time of the latest updates, followed by consol capacity data and stowage summary information.

Voyage Capacity Update Times

This section displays the date/time of the last update made to capacity, booking, dispatched, and loading data.



Original Allocation Time

Earliest date from all consols created for the charter voyage.

Capacity Committed Time

Latest update date of any consol with a status of COMMITTING_COMMITTED.

Bookings Attached Time

Latest insert date of any order was added to the consol shipment.

Last Dispatched Time

Latest insert date of all previous leg shipments (to consol shipment) that have the following ENROUTE statuses:


Last Loaded Time

Latest insert date of all shipment stop debriefs recorded for any stop on the consol shipment that is assigned to the charter voyage.


This section displays the following capacity and booking data for each stowage mode ID on the voyage. A separate grid appears for unitized stowage modes showing TEU data.

Capacity Data



This value represents the original contractual agreed-upon capacity. The number given by the sea carrier for this particular vessel per individual stowage mode. This value is equal to the current Allocated Weight value on the consol.

Committed Capacity

This value is equal to the current Committed Weight value on the consol.

The Indicator displays an icon that represents the COMMITTING status of the consol that was created for the stowage mode. A green icon appears when the status value is COMMITTING_NOT-COMMITTED, a red icon appears when the status value is COMMITTING_COMMITTED, and a yellow icon appears when the status value is COMMITTING_READY-TO-COMMIT.

Booked Capacity

This represents the capacity that is booked on the voyage for shipments planned using order releases. Every order line generates one booking which is sent to the sea carrier during the pre-booking process.

This value is equal to the current Booked Weight value on the consol.

The Indicator displays an icon that represents the BOOKING status of the consol that was created for the stowage mode. A green icon appears when the status value is BOOKING_OPEN and a red icon appears when the status value is BOOKING_CLOSED.

Free Capacity

This is the capacity that is still available for pre-booking and monitors the capacity per individual stowage mode and represents the remaining capacity. It is the difference between the Committed Capacity and Booked Capacity if the Committed Capacity on the consol is not blank. If blank, then it is the difference between the Allocated and Booked Capacity.


This value is equal to the current Produced Weight value on the consol.

Dispatched Capacity

This is the summed weight for any shipments of the previous leg with the following ENROUTE statuses:







For unitization, it is the sum of TEUs (Twenty-foot Equivalent Units) on the equipment of the ENROUTE shipments.

Loaded Capacity

This value is the summed ship unit weight of all shipment stop debriefs recorded for the corresponding consol shipment.

Capacity Used

The used capacity percent (or asset utilization) is a performance indicator for the sea transport capacity management. This value is calculated as Booked Capacity / Committed Capacity if the consol status value is COMMITTING_COMMITTED or Booked Capacity / Original Allocated Capacity if consol status value is COMMITTING_NOT-COMMTTED.



This section lists the consols that were created for each stowage mode on the charter voyage. right-click on any consol ID to view the order releases that are on the consol shipment. You can also click the Consol ID to display the details of the consol shipment. Summary stowage mode data such as Source Terminal Location, Terminal Start Time, and Booking Reference Number appear.

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