
Match or Unmatch Invoice

This action is accessed via Financials > Payment Invoice Management > Payment Invoice > Actions > Financials > Matching > Manual Match Invoices and Unmatch Invoice.

The Match Invoice and Unmatch Invoice actions enable you to manually match or unmatch a payment invoice to one or more buy shipments or shipment groups.

Note: To be matched to an invoice, a shipment must have a SECURE RESOURCES status of ACCEPTED, BOOKED, or PICKUP.

You can find potentially matching shipments or shipment groups (that is, shipments meeting the criteria of the applicable match rule profiles) by using the Find Valid Matches action. However, Match Invoice can be used to override any match rules that apply. This is applicable for shipments and shipment groups.

When you manually match an invoice to a shipment or shipment group, the status of the invoice changes to MATCH_MATCHED_MANUAL. Once an invoice has been matched to a shipment or shipment group, the invoice is ready to be approved for payment.

To manually match a parent consolidated invoice (match status MATCHED_MANUAL), you must match each of its child invoices to their shipments. If only some of the child invoices are matched, the parent invoice match status will be MATCHED_PARTIAL. This is applicable for shipment.

Using Unmatch Invoice, you can unmatch an invoice and shipment or shipment group, as long as a payment voucher has not been issued for that invoice. If an invoice has been approved for payment, it must first be unapproved before it can be unmatched from a shipment or shipment group. Once an invoice has been unmatched, its status changes to MATCH_NOT_MATCHED. If you manually unmatch a parent consolidated invoice, all of its child invoices will be unmatched from their shipments.

After the invoice is matched to shipment or shipment group, the payment status of shipment or shipment group will be changed to MATCHED.

If you match an invoice that is already matched to a shipment or shipment group, the Match status of the invoice changes to MATCHED_ADDENDUM. If you unmatch one of the shipments or shipments group, the invoice match status reverts to MATCHED_MANUAL (unless the invoice is still matched to more than one shipment or shipment group; in that case, the status remains MATCHED_ADDENDUM).

For a shipment or shipment group to match an invoice, it must have a payment status of NEW, MATCHED, or VOUCHERED. If the invoice is not a credit note, and the matched shipment group or shipment already has an invoice, then the invoice will be considered as duplicate. When this occurs, the MATCHED status of the invoice changes to MATCH_NON_ORIGINAL_INVOICE. If the invoice is a credit note and matched to a shipment or shipment group that already matches another invoice, then the PROCESS status of the invoice changes to PROCESS_HOLD, and it will not be considered a duplicate invoice.

Matching an Invoice

  1. Select a match type from the Match Type drop-down list. Choices are Shipment, Shipment Ship Unit, Shipment Ship Unit Line, or Shipment Group.
  2. In the Shipment field, enter the Shipment ID of the shipment that you want to match or unmatch to the invoice.

    Note: This step assumes you chose Shipment as your match type. The You can use the AutoMatch Invoices action on parent consolidated invoices. You can use the AutoMatch Invoices action on parent consolidated invoices. field will be labeled according to what you select in step 1.

  3. If needed, enter a Note about this action.
  4. Click OK.

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