Shipment Management

Consol Status

The Status Type and Value fields display the current state of a consol. Default Status Types and Values are automatically assigned when a consol is created.

Note: You can search for consols based on the Status Type and Value using the Advanced tab on the Consol Search page.

External status types and values associated with the consol are also populated from information created in Power Data.

Every new consol is assigned the following status types:

  • BOOKING: identifies whether additional orders can be added to a consol as a result of running the Build Buy Shipment on Primary Leg action from the Order Release Manager.
  • CHARTER VOYAGE ARRIVE DATE: indicates if the arrive date has been modified.
  • CHARTER VOYAGE BOOK FREEZE TIME: indicates if the book freeze time is set in the present or past.
  • CHARTER VOYAGE COMMIT TIME: indicates if the commit time is set in the present or past.
  • CHARTER VOYAGE DEPART DATE: indicates if the depart date has been modified.
  • CHARTER VOYAGE VESSEL ID: indicates if the vessel ID has been modified.
  • COMMITTING: identifies the various stages of committing of a consol. When a consol status is READY TO COMMIT, you can change its committed capacities.

The following Status Values for each status type reflect the current state of the consol. These values are set by running the Change Status action from either the consol or the charter voyage that is linked to the consol.

You can define which statuses are displayed for each user by creating a status type filter and then using Manage User Access to associate the User Access Type of Status Type Filter with a particular user. When you have done so, a small arrow appears near the top of the Status window. Clicking the arrow displays all of the statuses, not just the ones displayed by the filter. Bold statuses are ones that appear in the filter, and regular ones are statuses hidden by the filter.

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