Shipment Management

Shipment Group Rule Identification

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Power Data > Shipment Configuration > Shipment Group Rule.

A shipment group is a set of shipments which are carried together in a single move for one or more legs of a journey. For example, shipments that are placed together in a single vessel can be represented as a shipment group. Shipment group rules determine the circumstances in which shipments are assembled into shipment groups during the planning process. You can configure the parameters on this and the Detail page to control how and when shipment groups are created. Also, shipment groups impact bulk planning.

You can associate Secondary Charge Rule IDs with shipment group rules so that secondary charges will be created for the resulting shipment groups. You can define secondary charge rules in the Shipment Group Manager.

Enter a Rule ID and Description for the rule you want to define. The ID cannot be changed after the Shipment Group Rule is saved; however the Description can be modified at any time. Use the Description as a means for providing additional information about the rule.

The parameter "COPY SHIPMENT GROUP RULE FLEX FIELDS AUTOMATICALLY" indicates if flex fields defined on the shipment group rule are to be copied on to shipment group automatically.

Use the Content Definition ID to define which shipments in a multi-leg move are to be included in the group.  This is based on the legs as defined in the itinerary. The following are valid values:

  • Whole movement - all legs in the move
  • Start to primary leg, excluding primary leg
  • Start to primary leg, including primary leg
  • Primary leg to end, excluding primary
  • Primary leg to end, including the primary
  • Unrelated (used for trailer build functionality only)
  • Primary only, which will build a shipment group using the first primary leg found.

Use the Type ID to select the shipment group type that you want to build using this rule. The purpose of the Type ID is so you can categorize shipment group rules for searching purposes. However, the TRAILER BUILD Type ID controls how you can restrict which shipments are considered in the trailer build bulk plan process.

Choose from the following values:

  • TRAILER BUILD: use this type when you select Unrelated in the Condition Definition field for creating trailer build shipment groups.

Click on the Rule Detail button to add shipment group rule details.

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