Shipment Management

Shipment Group Rule Detail

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Power Data > Shipment Configuration > Shipment Group Rule. Click the Rule Detail tab.

Use this page to define geographic parameters and a time period during which the shipment group rule applies. The fields that appear on this page depend on the Type ID that you selected on the Identification tab. For example, if you selected either the IMPORTER or EXPORTER Type ID, the standard details apply. If you selected the TRAILER BUILD Type ID, the details for trailer build apply.

There is an implied AND in the application of the grouping rules. So, if you want to create a partial shipment group for all orders on a shipment with the same source and destination you can do that by selecting the criteria for 'Same Order Source' and 'Same Order Destination'. When this is done, the rule will generate a partial shipment group where the order releases have the 'Same Order Source' AND 'Same Order Destination'.

Note: The parameter 'Create Shipment Groups During Shipment Building' indicates whether the shipment building process should create shipment groups.

Standard Details

Use the Geographic Definition ID to identify the itinerary lane to which the shipment group rule applies. Oracle Transportation Management selects an itinerary for the shipment group rule based on the itinerary profile you enter. You can select either First Leg, Last Leg or Primary Leg.

Use the Lane ID to create a shipment group that is valid for a particular lane of an itinerary only. A lane connects two geographic points. The points can be specific, such as a street address, or more general, such as a city, state, country, or region.

Use the Mode Profile to restrict the shipment group to specific mode profile. Mode Profiles are user-defined groups of transportation modes with similar attributes.

Enter an Itinerary Profile ID to identify the itineraries to which the current rule will be applied. An itinerary profile defines a group of itineraries.

To create a shipment group rule that is effective during a particular period of time, click the calendars for the Effective Date and Expiration Date fields, then select a date and time.

Select the Validate Matching Criteria check box to specify that shipments have to be validated against this rule before being added to a shipment group.

Full Shipment Grouping Rules

There are several options to enter match criteria. These provide additional selection criteria for shipment group rules at the shipment level.

  • Match Involved Party Qualifier: If populated, then the value for all the shipments for this qualifier must match. If this field is null, then the match rule is not in effect. This is the default. The reference table is SHIPMENT_INVOLVED_PARTY.
  • Match Service Provider: If selected, all shipments in the group must have the same service provider.
  • Match Service Schedule: If selected, all shipments in the group must have the same schedule instance.
  • Match Port of Loading: If selected, all shipments in the group must have the same port of loading.
  • Match Port of Discharge: If selected, all shipments in the group must have the same port of discharge.
  • Match Reference Qualifier: If populated, then the reference number value for this reference number must match. If this field is null, then the match rule is not in effect. This is the default. The reference table is SHIPMENT_REFNUM_QUAL.
  • Shipment Group Reference Number Qualifier (Shipment): Shipment group reference qualifier against which the shipment reference number will be stored for the shipments which are grouped together for a Matching Reference Qualifier. This field will have to be defined when Match Reference Qual is specified.
  • Match Date:
    • If the option of MONTHLY is selected, then shipments belonging to the same month will be grouped together to form one shipment group. The shipment group start date and end date will be the 1st of the month (based on early start date of the shipments) and the last day of that month, respectively. For example:
      S1: Start date 27th July and End Date 28th July
      S2: Start date 27th July and End Date 29th July
      S3: Start date 28th July and End Date 30th July
      S4: Start date 31st July and End Date 1st August
      S5: Start date 2nd August and End Date 3rd August
      Here two shipment groups will be created for July and August.


      Ship Group

      Start Date

      End Date



      1st July

      31st July

      S1, S2, S3, S4


      1st August

      31st Aug


    • If the option of WEEKLY is selected, then shipments belonging to the same week will be grouped together to form one shipment group. You can select a particular day as the start of a week from the First Day of Week drop-down list. The shipment group start date will be based on the early start date of the shipments and the 'first day of the week' configuration. For example:
      S1: Start date 27th July (TUESDAY) and End Date 28th July
      S2: Start date 27th July and End Date 29th July
      S3: Start date 28th July and End Date 30th July
      S4: Start date 31st July and End Date 1st August
      S5: Start date 2nd August and End Date 3rd August
      If the value in the First Day of the Week drop-down list is Monday, two shipment groups will be created each from:

      Ship Group

      Start Date

      End Date



      26th July (MON)

      1st  Aug (SUN)

      S1, S2, S3, S4


      2nd Aug (MON)

      8th Aug (SUN)


    • If the option of DAILY is selected, then shipments having the same start time will be grouped together to form one shipment group. For example, in case of parcel all the shipments being delivered from a facility can be grouped to form a parcel manifest. Another example can be in case of truck loads, if a truck is hired to deliver shipments from one facility to another with a fixed charge, you can group such shipments using this option.
    • If the option of PER DAY is selected, then one shipment group for each day between the earliest start time and latest end time of the shipments will be created. If the start time of the shipment does not match with the shipment group's start and end date, then the shipment will not be present in that shipment group. For example, suppose a truck is being parked at a compound and a fixed charge is levied for each day, then this option can be used to represent the stay at the compound for each day. The fixed charge can be modeled as the secondary charge created for the shipment group.

Partial Shipment Grouping Rules

At times, the notification for pickup, consignment, and carrier manifest may be at the partial shipment level. At this level, you may want to do tasks such as:

  • Group the partial shipments based on a business rule
  • Communicate out to the carrier the grouping
  • Manage data around the grouping that has reference numbers and related data including container release numbers

Whenever a partial shipment group rule is selected (with or without full shipment group rules), OTM always creates partial shipments and NO full shipments are created.

This grid lists the order releases for a shipment in the group and provides additional selection criteria.

  • Same Equipment: Only order releases packed in the same equipment will be grouped together.  
  • Same Order Source: Only order releases with the same source location will be grouped together.
  • Same Order Destination: Only order releases with the same destination location will be grouped together.
  • Match Order Release Involved Party: Only order releases with the same Involved Party of this qualifier will be grouped together. The reference table is INVOLVED_PARTY_QUAL.
  • Match Order Release Reference Qual: Only order releases with the same release reference number of this qualifier will be grouped together. The reference table is ORDER_RELEASE_REFNUM_QUAL.

Note: If this is the only partial rule selected, OTM will check to see if any of the order releases in a shipment have a null order release reference number qualifier. If so, no shipment group will be created for that order release.

Note: If this criteria is used and another rule, say Match Service Provider (full shipment rule) is also on, even if there is only one resulting shipment group (from a bulk plan or bulk process), the shipment will display in the Partial Shipment section and all the related order releases will be listed there. Similarly, if Match Order Release Line Reference Qual is used, OTM will show all order release lines in the Partial Shipments section.

  • Match Order Release Line Reference Qual: Only order releases with the same release reference number of this qualifier will be grouped together. The reference table is ORDER_RELEASE_LINE_REFNUM_QUAL
  • Shipment Group Reference Number Qualifier (Order): Shipment group reference qualifier against which the release reference number will be stored for the orders which are grouped together for a Matching Order Release Reference Qualifier. This field will have to be defined when Match Order Release Reference Qual is specified.
  • Shipment Group Reference Number Qualifier (Order Line): Shipment group reference qualifier against which the release line reference number will be stored for the orders which are grouped together for a Matching Order Release Line Reference Qualifier. This field will have to be defined when Match Order Release Line Reference Qual is specified.

Note: Whenever any partial grouping option is selected for a shipment group rule, if the matching value is NULL for any of the partial shipment, it won't be added to a shipment group.

Involved Party

In the Involved Party field, enter the Contact ID of the involved party who is to be contacted about shipment group activity. You can enter one or more contacts for an involved party. However, you can assign only one logistics involved party. You can define specific involved parties who you want to be associated with the shipment group rule by entering the Involved Party Qualifier. The Involved Party Qualifier field defines the role a particular contact performs in the shipment process. For example, LOGISTICS, SHIPPER, and ORDEROWNER are involved party qualifiers.  Select the Communication Method that the contact you entered uses. The involved parties you enter are associated with all shipment groups created as the result of this shipment group rule.

Secondary Charges

Use the Secondary Charge Rule ID to identify the specific secondary charge rules that apply to the shipment group rule. Each time a shipment group is created using this shipment group rule, the secondary charge rules you enter result in a secondary charge being produced.

Note: The Secondary Charges with the rule type as shipment group are saved against the shipment group rule, and the secondary charge rules having the rule type as shipment group are only considered for creating secondary charge shipments.

Details Specific to Trailer Build

Refer to the description above for most of the fields. Following are fields specific to trailer builds. Use this group of fields to determine which shipments are considered for trailer build processing during a bulk plan run.

You must choose one Service Provider as a primary means of restricting which shipments are considered for a trailer build. You must also identify the Equipment Group that is assigned to the resulting shipment group created.

Use the Break Bulk Location ID to identify the Destination Location for the shipment group.

Ship Groups per Period and Ship Groups Period Level indicate the shipment groups capacity that can be handled, based on the period for trailer build shipment groups. In the Ship Groups per Period field, enter the number of shipment groups that can be planned for a period. Then define a period; either Day, Week or Month. In the shipment group creation process, the shipments are sorted based on the priority of the shipment (from order priority). When running bulk plan and bulk trailer build, before creating a shipment group from a shipment group rule, the period level and number of groups allowed are checked. If the count is less than that allowed, the group is created.

Use the Minimum Weight and Volume fields to further restrict which shipments are considered based on these characteristics. Note that the Minimum relates to shipment groups not shipments.

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