Configuration and Administration

View Business Object

The View page displays data for the records that you selected on the Results page. The content depends on the business object with which you are working; for example, order, shipment, itinerary, rate, and so on.

  • You can print the page using the print command of your browser.
  • The top of the page displays the record counter (1 of 1, 1 of 2). If you selected to view multiple records, click Next/Previous to page through the records.
  • Click New to add new records.
  • Click Edit to modify any record (not available for some Power Data pages). You cannot edit public data records (data stored in the Public domain) and you must have appropriate security access to edit records.
  • Click Actions to perform the actions that are available for the business object. If a business object only has one action associated to it, the action name replaces the generic action button and allows you to directly run the action from the page.
  • Click on the SmartLinks icon (smartlink) to call SmartLinks if the business object you are viewing supports SmartLinks.
  • When running an action, SmartLink, business process, or saving changes to a page in general, the option to select Log Profiles is provided. Only select a log profile if you are troubleshooting. Selecting a profile activates special logging that occurs when you complete the action or save your data. That logging can affect the performance of you system, and should only be used for troubleshooting scenarios. You can download the action log you created through this process. A special log profile, Default, can be selected in lieu of an actual Log Profile. This will check whether there is a default log profile associated with the action, data query type, or process action. If one exists, it will be used; if not, you receive an error. 
  • Some View pages can display large amounts of data for a business object. For example, the View page for a shipment can display many details about a shipment. By default, View pages are configured to display the most important data; however, the following may appear and help you to view additional detail.
  • An Expand icon (expand icon) sometimes appears on View pages and it displays additional field data for the business object. Click the Expand icon to see the additional data. When the additional data is displayed, a minus sign displays next to the word More. Click it to hide the additional data.
  • The Expand icon may display next to select records that contain additional information. This allows you to show details for that grid. Click the minus icon the hide the details.

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